Someone Want to Tell Me Why I'm Still Hungry?



  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Looks like you just started in May. I was hungry all the time when I first started. I think there's an adjustment period . . . .getting used to staying within a calorie limit. When I first started I was allotted around 1600 calories. Now I'm down to 1310. Maybe eat a little bit more calories and bring it down gradually. Also add more fat and protein. I find that avocados and chicken are very filling and stick with you.

    I was actually quite content when I first started.. then eventually I started to get more hungry. I'm thinking maybe it's the sugar content in the morning.. with the banana and strawberries etc in the shakes that are making me hungry..
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Looks like you just started in May. I was hungry all the time when I first started. I think there's an adjustment period . . . .getting used to staying within a calorie limit. When I first started I was allotted around 1600 calories. Now I'm down to 1310. Maybe eat a little bit more calories and bring it down gradually. Also add more fat and protein. I find that avocados and chicken are very filling and stick with you.

    Pretty much that!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    This would be a good time to experiment! :) I love trying new things to see what works for my body and my lifestyle. Losing weight doesn't have to be grueling work. Now that you have a few suggestions from MFP people, give each one of them a try for a few weeks. If one suggestion is not helping, switch it up with another suggestion for a few weeks. But be sure to give each one a chance. A few days may not be long enough to really know what the results would have been after a few weeks. Good luck!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    You are doing a beautiful job! Here is my thoughts, what I experienced. At first, I had a struggle with my appetite/cravings. Really, I needed to wean myself off of excess carbs. So I used a herb supplement called hoodia extract, which is a natural non-habit forming appetetite suppressant (you have to get a reputable brand...i've read they can be bogus). After a few days of taking the full dose, I was really helped. I also cut my carbs way back and tried to get in under 150 or so. A week of doing this, and I was much more comfortable. I think i always have a sort-of appetite there, but since I eat satisfying protein-targeted meals frequently, its much easier to use good 'ol self-control and food choices.

    As you continue to work with your diet and exercise, just using wisdom and moderation and good habits, your body will benefit, you will look and feel better, and you will gain confidence in your efforts.

    Also, you can average your calories over a week...some days you eat a little more (on weight-lifting days, for example), and a little less on rest/light cardio days. You just aim for a certain number of calories/week.

  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Sounds good, thanks for all the help, I appreciate it everyone!