Exercise DVD's

Has any tried DVD's like...
Hip Hop Abs
Slim in 6
30 day shred

Im only doing walking and its not enough so I need something to do more and even though Im close to 300, I can take hard exercises.
So please comment and suggest
What you did?
How much you lost?
Slow or Fast paced?
Are you happy with the results?
Thanks guys!
Anyone want to be my friend for this endeavor???????


  • mango281
    mango281 Posts: 12 Member
    I use exercise videos from my cable provider (they are free!) I love it because I easily get bored doing the same thing over and over. So I change it up. So far it has worked for me... it keeps me going. It probably would help if I join the gym but at the time I cannot join. Cable provider: COMCAST
  • mnharrington
    mnharrington Posts: 26 Member
    I have started doing Kettlebell workouts. I have a few Bob Harper Kettlebell DVD's. I really enjoy them so far and I can certainly feel it after completing a workout.
  • jadedbutterfly71
    jadedbutterfly71 Posts: 83 Member
    I have several Jillian Michaels DVD's and I love them all. I started with 30 day Shred...only lost 3 lbs, but 12 inches. I do dvds 6 days a week, and have started incorporating c25k 3 days per week to kick up the weight loss and boost my metabolism. Feel free to add me :)
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    My history: Started over a year ago and have gone from a size 12-14 to 2-4.

    I have tried a ton of exercise videos and here are my thoughts

    Hip Hop Abs - very fun, not a super good workout and it's expensive for only 3 videos
    Slim in 6 - good work out incorporates weight bands, sort of expensive and repetitve
    Ripped in 30 - Jillian Michaels is great, not expensive
    Haven't tried 30 day shred

    I really like Tae Bo tapes, Insanity and anything Kickboxing.

    I also bought 90 Day Supreme and it was really cheap, 10+ workouts mostly with weights. I like it a lot.

    Good Luck to you!
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    Check out youtube. They have some of those videos on there. You can see what you like. I cannot do videos from my laptop. I need it on the big screen.
    I started with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and yoga meltdown.
    It was too hard for me. The cardio killed me.
    I bought her beginners workout and went from there.
    Now I vary with a yoga dvd, jillian michaels, circuit training exercises from the Nike app on my iPod and kettlebell exercises.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    My "guilty pleasure" for workout videos is still Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies" or similar. They are not going to get me in tip-top shape by any means!! but they are great to get me off the couch on days that I feel like taking it easy but still want to work out. They are everywhere so you can pick them up pretty cheap and they never cease to make me smile when I'm working out.
    I also have 30DS which you will definitely feel! I haven't completed it but have repeated the first sections more than once just to work up until I feel comfortable. That one is cheap, like $10.
    I'd love to be your friend! Feel free to send a request.
  • KM11102011
    KM11102011 Posts: 40
    Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds: Express Super Challenge (59 minutes; 4 mile aerobic "walk") 9.99 amazon instant

    Kickbock Core Cross Train w/ Patricia Moreno - 11.00 (80 minutes broken into segments) - excellent for abs

    Xtend Barre: Lean and Chiseled - 12.00 (55 minutes) - think ballet type of conditioning

    I'm a fan of 30DS but it's a little tough on one of my knees.

    I would suggest trying the Express Super Challenge first. You can rent it through amazon for around 3.00 for 7 days.
    You'll be surprised at just how much your body composition can be altered by 4 miles a day for a few weeks.

    Good luck and keep moving!
  • raebels
    raebels Posts: 45 Member
    I have gone through my share of DVD's. I have tried:
    Winsor Pilates: Some workouts are tougher than others but it is reasonable and I definitely saw a difference

    30 Day Shred: I am currently doing this one and love it! I am a day away from level 2 and looking forward to it. The workout is intense, quick and cheap. I have lost a couple pounds and several inches.

    Hip Hop Abs: I am working this one into my 30DS and I love it as well because it is very fun, especially if you enjoy dancing. It is a bit pricey but in my opinion, worth it. I am only on day 2 so not enough to see a difference.

    Insanity Workout: I lasted a week! LOL I was only 6 weeks post partum too and it was hard because I didn't have the endurance or the time.....the baby ALWAYS seemed to wake up when I started so I gave it up for now. I would like to try it again though. I have heard a lot of great weight loss stories.

    I have also tried the on demand workouts through comcast but quit because every time I found a workout I liked, they got rid of it. They only keep them for a short period of time and then they're gone....not good if you like a particular workout but good if you are easily bored!

    I hope this helps! =) Feel free to add me ;)