Sunday, Church, and diet topic.



    CHRISTCENTERED Posts: 33 Member
    I'm afraid I have to agree with dodgersprince, Sunday you tend to stray away from your usual routine because one, if you had not prepared dinner, you end up eating out with other church members, or a take out and before you know it, you end up eating yellow rice w/ light gravy and corn bread..hahaha. That's my problem. About a year ago I was very disciplined with my food choices. Since the Holidays of last year I've regained 10 pounds of the 39 lbs. I lost on the South Beach Diet. I made the biggest mistake during the holidays stating. "I'm gonna eat what I want to eat with very little to no movement of exercise. It kinda stayed with me. I started making bad food choices especially on Sunday after a good service of praise and worship it's time to eat! hahaha. I didn't mean to say all of that, but...only because I know exactly what you're talking about. Now I'm faced with the consequences of the bad choices I made. DON'T EVER LET YOURSELF OR YOUR GUARD DOWN. Lesson learned the hard way. My apologies again for running on with this, but it's been somewhat of a release outlet. Thanks for listening~
  • dodgersprincess
    Smiles, I am not married and no kids. The is the reason for no Awanas or Missionettes and or Royal Rangers to be commited to on Sunday evening.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I grew up in a family that attended church, many of my friends go to church, my in-laws not only attend church but are the choir director and organist. All of these people have regular meals on Sundays. I really do not see where the problem lies.