Workout Buddies

Is it true that you lose more weight when you work out with someone? I've always done it alone (with the exception of my dog motivating me to go on walks) and I've done fine by myself. Its also tough because everyone I know have such hectic schedules that I don't even bother. Has the buddy system worked for you?


  • Beaneroo
    Beaneroo Posts: 9
    Hi Brighteyesx3;

    I have found that the buddy system motivates me to get out more (it's harder to say No when someone is waiting for you). As a result, when I work out with a Buddy, I tend to have greater success (and greater retention).

    If you're having trouble finding a buddy, may I suggest a Running Room program (or similar). It's free to show up at any store twice a week for a walk or run with a group.

    A whole mass of buddies waiting for you!

    Good luck!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Depends on the personality. I like working out with others but with folks who're not whiny brats. When I was at a gym, I would sometimes go with friends and he's help me push harder. At the boxing academy, my coach and other peers motivate me and push me harder to workout. Feels like at home I workout a small amount in comparison
  • ShyGirl89
    ShyGirl89 Posts: 60 Member
    I haven't tried the buddy system yet. Though I like working out alone sometimes, I do think having someone else work out with you helps keeps you motivated.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    Everyone is different. I don't mind going to the gym with someone, but I prefer to go alone. I can focus on what I am doing. If I was going to a class (which I have only done once) I would definitely want a friend to participate with me.
  • bm4321
    bm4321 Posts: 13
    Yes the buddy system is efective for movitvation and it helps when u dont really feel like doing anything your buddy can help u out and say hey come on lets go for a short walk or something when dont wanna do anything, I ran a half marathon thanks to my dad for an example.
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Thanks everyone for your responses! The thing is my friends want to come with me, its just that their either lazy, our schedules don't work together, or they don't want to do what I want to do. As far as food goes, I have my parents backing me up and letting me cook because they enjoy what I make and its healthy for them.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Depends on who my buddy is and what activity we are doing.

    If they are around my fitness level or even slightly beyond my fitness level, I find it can be very enjoyable and motivating. If they are far below my fitness level, I find that I don't get to push as hard and need to supplement with my own workouts (when I'm short on time, this can be an issue).

    If we are farther apart, either above or below, certain activities can still work like DVDs, machines at the gym, etc. because everyone can go at their own pace. Activities that don't work are jogs, runs, tennis, etc. where the discrepancy in level causes one person's workout to suffer.

    I hope that makes sense?
  • DemOniC_PT
    DemOniC_PT Posts: 34 Member
    I do it all by myself, when i first started working out i had a buddy but i found that i was spending a major amount of time talking and checking girls, and not working out as hard has i should.
    Now when i enter the gymn i take like 5 minutes saying hi to friends and then, Training mode ON, no talking, no checking girls, just me my music and the weights..
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    I do it all by myself, when i first started working out i had a buddy but i found that i was spending a major amount of time talking and checking girls, and not working out as hard has i should.
    Now when i enter the gymn i take like 5 minutes saying hi to friends and then, Training mode ON, no talking, no checking girls, just me my music and the weights..

    Ha, I'm sorry but I got such a good laugh from that. One of the reasons I don't go to the gym, don't want random guys coming up and talking to me while I'm trying to focus on working up a sweat.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I do it all by myself, when i first started working out i had a buddy but i found that i was spending a major amount of time talking and checking girls, and not working out as hard has i should.
    Now when i enter the gymn i take like 5 minutes saying hi to friends and then, Training mode ON, no talking, no checking girls, just me my music and the weights..

    Ha, I'm sorry but I got such a good laugh from that. One of the reasons I don't go to the gym, don't want random guys coming up and talking to me while I'm trying to focus on working up a sweat.

    The chances of random guys coming up to interrupt you while you are actively working out are slim. Most people respect others and their gym time. It is gym manners. :)

    Now maybe if you were standing around by the drinking fountain or something not doing anything... that is another story.