8 reasons we fall off the wagon: A MUST READ



  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    Needed THIS article TODAY. I am the WORST offender. I actually look at OP diets and comment, when I do not log my own--WAY BAD!!!
  • nell1972
    nell1972 Posts: 19
    Really appreciate this. The truth often hurts, but its healthier in the long run!

    Not sure if I would fit into the "low self-esteem" or the "all-or-nothing" brigade.....from 7 years of yo-yo dieting, I know that I fail/fall off the wagon when I rely on food for comfort.....and then when I've gone wrong, I feel I've already failed and just give up. I'm easily discouraged when I don't achieve my perfectionist ideals, but after a dreadful day yesterday I kicked myself out of bed at 7am this morning to go for a run with the dog. I've already balanced out yesterdays binge.....and more bizarrely, I hopped on the scales and I've lost weight.

    Freaky huh?
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Reading this only affirms that this time around, I'm going to succeed. That list represents every other attempt I've made at weight loss, and each of those reasons were my downfall at one point or another.

    I'm happy to say that as I read down that list, I was not guilty of any of those reasons!! :OD
  • mwdobrow
    mwdobrow Posts: 3 Member
    How bout' because I luv food! and hate exercise:)
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    very good.:smile:
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    No self esteem
    Fast food culture
    Too much hard work
    Cheating and expecting results
    Bro/ho science

    Sounds more like it.
    This is true!
  • LittleEdenx
    LittleEdenx Posts: 18 Member
    OMG!! I do all of these! no wonder I'm a failure!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Balance... Yes! Something I'm still trying to get the hang of and it does trip me up! X
  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    This is so true.. Thanks for posting it.:-D
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    *like* Where is that *like* button at??? lol
  • believer382

    Definitely a must read. I'll keep this handy for later.

  • moepod
    moepod Posts: 5
    I have always made excuses or thought why am I not seeing better results, I'm starving! now I have made it my life, all I think about is "what am I going to do today to make me healthier?" not "ugh!, I don't wanna work out!" it's almost been the opposite for me, I used to be so lazy and now I almost get excited when I get to go walking, I try to push myself, and it always feels great when I make myself go further than I thought I would, I always keep my goals in mind, and I'm eating, eating like crazy, I almost had a hard time at first keeping up with the calories, but I didn't just not eat, because I know how the starvation thing works, you have to eat, it will not come off faster the lower you go with calories, it catches up to you, you binge, hold all those binge calories and start it all over again, I've been doing it for years, but now I have a steady diet going, I allow a treat maybe once a week, I turn completely away from the foods I thought I loved because it will take time for me to change my habits, one full month of almost nothing but veggies, veggie burgers, and chicken. when the month is over I will allow myself healthy snacks like nuts, and will forever have to stay away from the real treats, otherwise I will just fall back in to the same routine, it takes a lot of work, and you have to talk yourself through it every day. I quit smoking 3 months ago, and have been losing an average of 4lbs a week for the last 3 weeks, and I feel so much better about myself even though my journey has just started.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for sharing!!!
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Bump, thanks!