Worst Eating Day Ever



  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Have you tried baking your own sweets using lightened up ingredients? I love sweets as well and doing this really works well for me. Check out my blog, I have some delicious recipes on there! I also find that eating a sweet breakfast helps cuts the cravings throughout the day :)

  • I am a recovering anorexic too. Currently, I am 5'6, 137~ lbs. When I was anorexic, I was at 89 lbs for months on end. It was scary.

    I over eat daily too... (But now I will scarf down 2 bags of pre-sliced mushrooms and a bag of baby carrots instead of " healthy " cereal and crackers). I know I still have a problem with overeating, but at least I am overeating on fruits and vegetables. I know it is still bad, but it is a start.

    Anyway,like you, I often wonder how I ever got to be 89 lbs. I was at 140 before I slowly dropped down to 89... and I did that in just months, too.

    Think about this... as I just started wondering about myself and my over-eating tendencies compared to my no-eating tendencies of my past:

    Do you think that sometimes we (as anorexics or recovering anorexics [we will ALWAYS be recovering for the rest of our lives]) over eat BECAUSE of the way we deprived ourselves in the past? Maybe, somewhere deep in our subconcious, our brains and bodies crave food because it doesn't know if we will starve it again. So once we get a taste... our bodies naturally want more because it is "scared" it might be the last thing that it eats...

    Unfortunately, I have come to realize that I am a person of "extremes". It is either always too much or always too little. With food, emotions, spending money... everything. I am working on finding a happy medium so that I may be a happy person when it comes to all aspects of my life.

    I wish you the best of luck. xo
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am a recovering anorexic too. Currently, I am 5'6, 137~ lbs. When I was anorexic, I was at 89 lbs for months on end. It was scary.

    I over eat daily too... (But now I will scarf down 2 bags of pre-sliced mushrooms and a bag of baby carrots instead of " healthy " cereal and crackers). I know I still have a problem with overeating, but at least I am overeating on fruits and vegetables. I know it is still bad, but it is a start.

    Anyway,like you, I often wonder how I ever got to be 89 lbs. I was at 140 before I slowly dropped down to 89... and I did that in just months, too.

    Think about this... as I just started wondering about myself and my over-eating tendencies compared to my no-eating tendencies of my past:

    Do you think that sometimes we (as anorexics or recovering anorexics [we will ALWAYS be recovering for the rest of our lives]) over eat BECAUSE of the way we deprived ourselves in the past? Maybe, somewhere deep in our subconcious, our brains and bodies crave food because it doesn't know if we will starve it again. So once we get a taste... our bodies naturally want more because it is "scared" it might be the last thing that it eats...

    Unfortunately, I have come to realize that I am a person of "extremes". It is either always too much or always too little. With food, emotions, spending money... everything. I am working on finding a happy medium so that I may be a happy person when it comes to all aspects of my life.

    I wish you the best of luck. xo

    I was 70 Ibs at my worst, and 5'11. It shrunk my height to 5'9 and a half basically. It is possibly that the issues with binge eating are the body trying to avoid starving again, it is hard to say in my case, as I ate quite a lot as a child, following my abuse, especially sweet things. I am a person of extremes myself, for sure, and it is frustrating. I get stuck in ruts as well, in routines, but then I am mildly on the autistic spectrum so that is the reason for that, the problem being that being stuck in ruts of the sameness everyday, leaves more room to obsess over food as there is nothing else to fill the thoughts.

    I do have fruit and healthy things around, but they do not always stop me. It has proven too easy on several occasions now, to call up the pizza place that stays open til 5am, and order in ice cream and cookies from there. That is what started off last night's binge. For some odd reason, I thought, 'Hey, I am full so why not buy this in and just have a little, and as a test of my self control, just put it in the freezer and have a little now and again'. I suppose at some level I hoped I could be normal just for once, or maybe part of me is deliberately sabotaging myself.
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