STUCK AT 130!!!



  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I was stuck at 130 for the longest time. So frustrating! I eat around 1750 calories now and only eat back exercise calories if I go below my BMR (because my activitiy level is set correctly to include my workouts). I finally broke through the 130s and am now at 128 and hoping to reach 127 this week.

    Maybe try slowly increasing your calories a bit more? Like 100 more a week. As you get closer to your goal, the slower the weight loss and the more you should be eating. You can also check out sites like and find out what your goal weight maintenance calories would be and start eating at that level. Then when you finally reach goal, there is no maintenance transistion and you already know how to fuel your body properly.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that NICU Nurses are Angels here on Earth! My 33 week twins just turned 11 and spent 1 month 1 day in NICU. Every one of those nurses treated by babies as their own. Thank you for the priceless work that you do.

    Try increasing your protein and adding in some Tabatas. If you aren't having a protein shake after your workout maybe try that too. You look fantastic and will get there!
  • hwillia1
    hwillia1 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm stuck at 132, I'm also 5"3 and a RN, not doing 12 hour shifts at the mo as I'm on maternity leave. I'm considering upping my calories although they vary from 1200 to 1600 per day depending on my activity levels. May try and eat back all my exercise calories back. I want to get down to 126 as that was my pre pregnancy weight. I have only got 6 pounds to go, I haven't lost any weight for 2 weeks but before that I lost 3 pounds in a week which as a lot for me.
  • T_Marie4
    T_Marie4 Posts: 104 Member
    HI! I'm a NICU RN too! I LOVE my job!!! :) Sorry, just had to say that!

    Anyway, Have you tried Ripped in 30?? I completed 30 day shred and loved it, immediately started RI30 since I am a fan of JM dvd's - RI30 definately pushes you harder than 30DS - first week I lost almost 2 lbs, while during my last 1-2 weeks of 30DS my weight really didn't change! Plus I upped my cals to match my BMR at the same time as starting RI30. I'm a busy mom of 4, RN and work 12 hr shifts (though I am part-time) - but am able to get these in while kiddos watch cartoons in the a.m. since they are 25 minute workouts. Might try adding a day if at all possible (I know it's not easy!) and I also know it's SUPER hard to work out after a 12 hr shift - HATE IT!!! Definately agree with the others in making sure you're getting enough protein and drinking lots of water. Good luck!!! Friend me if you want!
  • hwillia1
    hwillia1 Posts: 26 Member
    I worked on NICU too for a while but now work on Critical Care. I'm going to up my calories on friday if no weight lost, decision made.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    If you up your calories, do it slowly and then stick with it for at least one month. Sometimes there may be a small 'gain' but don't worry! It's not a real weight gain, it's just your body adjusting to the changes and will drop off quickly. Good luck!
  • hwillia1
    hwillia1 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, I have increased my calories to 1400 and was going to increase again the week after to 1600 and see what happens. :smile:
  • dresm01
    dresm01 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5' 3" and I was stuck for a month at 130 but kept going. Added the 30 day shred every other day as I am suspecting I was gaining muscles and the scale never moved until I switched to every other day. I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes on the off days. Then I noticed everytime I exercise I need more protein...also saw that on other posts. I had already been struggling to match the protein goal.

    So started the protein watch and bought protein bars to assist and then protein powder because I don't like the sugar in many of them. So took me a while (a month) and moved to 125 finally!!! Stay persistent, your body apparently gets more efficient and does need some change ups, but I strongly recommend watching your protein.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Yup, me too! I keep just going up and down between 130 and 132. I'm 5'2 and would also like to be 125, but not too worried really as I like my body okay as is - the thighs and butt will just always be big compared to the rest of me ;) I changed to losing 1/2lb per week so up from 1200 calories to 1310 (I eat back all exercise calories, work on weekly calories rather than daily, am doing 3 aqua classes a week and running 2-3 times per week). I think I need to do more resistance though I don't have gym membership so it's just my little weights at home! Will have to add some of you to see how you get on. But I agree with some others that maybe this is where our bodies are happy?!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    At the point when you have only 5lbs you want to lose, it's safe to say that you're not overweight. So why are you trying to lose WEIGHT?

    1400 calories is still not a lot of calories for someone whose ideal weight is 125-130. I bet if you gained muscle and lost a little bit of fat (which is easier to do when you're gaining muscle) you wouldn't give a damn what the scale said because you'd be too busy admiring yourself in the mirror.

    I'm 5'7" 137lbs with a low body fat percentage and an active lifestyle and I eat at least 1800 calories a day. Some people can deal with 1200 calories for the rest of their lives and their abs show through because they don't have belly fat... But if you are the kind of woman who gains weight easily in the lower belly/hip/thigh area (like me), you can't do 1200 calories and expect to lose fat. For one, it's not fun eating the amount it would take to feed a toddler. For another, your body isn't going to shed fat stores if it NEEDS them (and by eating very low calorie, you're telling your body to hold onto its essential fat because it's not getting enough fuel from food).

    Strength training. Higher calories. Adequate protein and fat. Move around a lot. I promise it will help.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    I'm 5' 3" and I was stuck for a month at 130 but kept going. Added the 30 day shred every other day as I am suspecting I was gaining muscles and the scale never moved until I switched to every other day. I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes on the off days. Then I noticed everytime I exercise I need more protein...also saw that on other posts. I had already been struggling to match the protein goal.

    So started the protein watch and bought protein bars to assist and then protein powder because I don't like the sugar in many of them. So took me a while (a month) and moved to 125 finally!!! Stay persistent, your body apparently gets more efficient and does need some change ups, but I strongly recommend watching your protein.

    I've also had this problem, with being vegetarian. Really hard to get the protein I need and have been eating lots of eggs, protein powder once a week, nuts etc. but still hardly ever make it! Really need to eat more meals with beans and pulses or quinoa I think. Good to hear it can help!
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Strength training. Higher calories. Adequate protein and fat. Move around a lot. I promise it will help.

    Right, going to give this a go as I'm sure protein is my biggest problem, plus needing to do more strength training. Going to change to maintenance calories!
  • whit1108
    whit1108 Posts: 94
    I was stuck at the same weight for awhile. I put my calorie intake up and the weight started to come off. I make sure that i eat all my calories that i am allowed and half of my excercise calories back!! I have a really hard time with pushing the water intake, but does help alot when u drink alot of water. and also i would suggest making sure you are changing up your excercise routine. Don't always do the same thing. I do zumba and turbo fire which are really good cardio classes and then on the days i dont do those i do nice long walks.. switch it up. I like walking but to me it doesnt help with weight loss. It has really helped me with weight loss to do more of the intense cardio stuff. Best of luck to you.. You can do it!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You have to give it more than two weeks.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You have to give it more than two weeks.

    And this :)

    Took at least 3 for me to start seeing results.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    1.) eat more.... even at 1200-1400 calories your activity level seems significantly higher than sedentary.

    2.)Eat more and stick with it for longer than two weeks, this takes times.

    3.) play with your macros. Up your protein and carbs, lower your fat. Up your protein, up your healthy fats, lower your carbs.See if that makes a difference.

    4.) strength train. Start lifting. ;)

    You can do it! I had a two month plateau and i am SO happy that i stuck with it.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    consistancy is key. It took me 5 months to lose 10lbs. yes it was slow but i have not gained anything back. I pretty much eat anything in moderation and exercise 5-6X week. I have another 10 to lose to get to my goal. The scale has not budged. I will give 2 months consistancy before I see scale move again. SO my advice to you is to be patient. Especially if you dont have much left to lose. good luck!
  • Ashleacurtice
    Ashleacurtice Posts: 54 Member
    Stay persistent, your body apparently gets more efficient and does need some change ups, but I strongly recommend watching your protein.

    So how much protein do you usually eat a day!? and what about calories?

    I am doing to add 30DS back to my routine then jog every other day!