somewhat new here...

I am rather new to this whole web site. My doc suggested I check it out and I have been using it off and on for awhile. I am trying to lose 30 pounds but so far I am stuck at 9. I am doing OK with food but I am just unable to get it in gear with the exercise. I am also fighting side effects from meds that make it difficult to lose weight and also make it hard for me to work out for fear of heat stroke. Any suggestions? I am also looking for some yummy recipes that are tasty but also not too high in calories. I have discovered that when I have a chocolate craving (I am a born and bred chocoholic!) I enjoy having a Slimfast chocolate shake. I have discovered that I can mix one of their scoops with up to 16 ozs of 2% milk and I enjoy it! So any tips/tricks/suggestions?:flowerforyou: