Does anyone have cheat days?

I'm considering having one day out of the week where I can exceed my calorie limit and not document it....does anyone do this? Is it successful or a bad idea?


  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I do it! It allows me to not feel so restricted all the time with a calorie intake. It also allows me to have one day of the week that I look forward to eating whatever I want.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    And I should also mention, it has no effect on my weight if it's only one day a week, and only up to 500 calories more.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I do splurge every now and then but I still document it best I can in order to stay in the habit and keep myself accountable. Typically if I'm going to have a day like that I plan ahead for it and eat a little less on the days surrounding it and/or throw in an extra walk. It's really more about your calorie intake/burn throughout the week rather than just one day anyway!
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    I do...But I log EVERYTHING anyway. Makes it harder to do it to often.
  • picimadar
    picimadar Posts: 68 Member
    Nope! That just encourages binge eating and perpetuating the mentality that you deserve to reward yourself with food. Try rewarding yourself with something else you love instead, and stick to eating to live, not living to eat.
  • grnice
    grnice Posts: 96
    I have a cheat meal. I stay on track all week and eat whatever I want on Friday nights but then back on track first thing Saturday morning.
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    I usually have 1 or 2 days where I eat, drink and be merry! I do log everything though. I try to save my exercise calories for the week for these days. That way I still keep a nice steady weight loss, and because when I look at the bigger picture I've not gone over, I also keep on track!x
  • kimmy0811
    kimmy0811 Posts: 8 Member
    I do....1x per week! We work so hard to maintain the healthy lifestyle, we deserve a cheat day!
  • Beckas2012
    I do have cheat days but I still record it. Only so that I dont go toooo crazy lol good luck.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Sometimes I document it, sometimes I don't. And my "cheat" days are usually over my TDEE. I consider my BMR and TDEE a range - not less than 1,400, not more than 1,880..... and then over 1,880 is a cheat day.

    That said, now that it's summer I think I'm being far naughtier than I was a month or two ago. But I'm also somewhat close to my goal, not going to lose weight quickly, and I want to enjoy summer.... smores, grilling, etc. So it's okay with me. :-)
  • giantsr1
    giantsr1 Posts: 45 Member
    I read Bob Harper's book Skinny Rules and one of the rules is to have a cheat meal once a week. Just one meal and you aren't supposed to go bonkers and eat fast food but allow yourself a treat or extra something if you want it. I think it helps keep me motivated. Good luck to you!!
  • rae_84
    rae_84 Posts: 40 Member
    I often have unplanned cheat days... oops.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey honey!

    When I was heavier I did take a cheat day, and I mean a whole day! Now that isn't so good for me to reach the goals that I've set for myself. I do still have a cheat meal, and with an eating disorder I do not deny or restrict myself from anything. I just eat a serving size of the "bad" food. We're all different with our eating habits, nutrition, and fitness, so I think it would just depend on your goals.

    I hope this information helps. :-)

  • dalygirl_2010
    My husband and I have one meal a week where we can eat anything we want. We normally go to a buffet....Eat till we burst... BUT I log EVERYTHING!!! And rarely go over my calories.... It gives me some feeling of normalcy. Funny the longer I have been on this new lifestyle the less I eat we we do go out....
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I have a full on cheat -3 -days. It used to just be a cheat meal but progressed into something worse... I say don't do the cheat days. Just do a meal, but watch yourself. I'm struggling to get out of mine.
  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    I think a regular cheat DAY is too much for me. But I certainly will have a cheat meal or a cheat snack once or twice a week. On those days I usually make sure the rest of my day and activity level are in order.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Why would you do that? All it does is slow you down. Why not fit whatever you want into your day's meal plan? If it's too many calories to do that, it could cause you to stall for a day or two on weight loss. That way you could have a little of whatever is driving you crazy without guilt instead of having a big gob of something you know isn't healthy. You may as well learn to plan ahead or you will end up in the same boat you are in now. Leave the "cheating" to once-in-a-blue-moon so you don't make cheating part of your meal plan. If it fits in your meal plan it isn't cheating.

    Edit: And, if you don't document it, you will find yourself leaving stuff out on a regular basis. Then you will complain you aren't losing weight and you just can't figure out why. Mm-hmm. :huh:
  • nylitak
    nylitak Posts: 18 Member
    Log it anyways! My diary on the weekend looks terrible. It's so easy to get off track if you stop logging for a day or two.
  • laneydawn
    laneydawn Posts: 64
    Mine is today! And you know what? It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. I had envisioned pigging out on all my favorite foods that I haven't eaten, but I just didn't feel like it. I had a slice of black forest cake and some pasta. That was my cheat day - the rest of the day was as usual. That being said, I think its important to have a day to allow ourselves to eat whatever and not feel bad about it. I picked Saturday as it is my weigh in day, so I have the rest of the week to burn off the cheat day.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Do it! But document it. You can get a lot of valuable information out of it, like awareness of what you are really eating (don't judge, it's a cheat day) and how different calorie or macro levels affect your weight or mood.