My girlfriend :(



  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Leave her so she can find a more manly man :)
    I would love to see someone say this to a girl
    2012 equality but only for females
    Really not seeing a problem with that. It's advice designed to kick the OP in the butt.

    Yupp. This guy needs some alone time to grow some cajones anyway.

    To the OP, do some man stuff, like starting a fight club.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Leave her so she can find a more manly man :)

    I would love to see someone say this to a girl
    2012 equality but only for females

    Of course not. You say "It's not you, it's me"

    I mean if an insecure girl posted and i said
    leave him so he can find a real woman

    What would be the difference? Not much in my eyes. I think a manly man should be with a real women anyway.
    The responses from the 100 woman saying its not her fault ect
    I would put money on it :laugh:

    I don't know if you looked around, but this website is probably 87.3% female.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Leave her so she can find a more manly man :)

    I would love to see someone say this to a girl
    2012 equality but only for females

    Of course not. You say "It's not you, it's me"

    I mean if an insecure girl posted and i said
    leave him so he can find a real woman

    What would be the difference? Not much in my eyes. I think a manly man should be with a real women anyway.

    Amen! If I, as a woman, posted some whiny insecure pansy *kitten* like this, my friends would tell me to quit being such a p*say and act like a woman, to be confident in myself, and to quit my whining.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I am Asian and I have dated far east Asian, arab, Indian, caucasian, spanish and all kinds of girls I donot care about where the girls are from and race and stuff, I care mainly that they're not a stuck up b!tch. Thats my pre-req for you to date me.

    I can kinda feel where you're coming from however either you're trying to use this as an excuse to break up with her or are genuinely have low self-esteem in the relationship Either way, you should be looking into those 2 issues since she wouldn't be with you if she wanted a Indonasian guy in her life. I have lived in UK long enough to know that theres no shortage of Indonasian guys there :)
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Lol, okay I'll give a nicer but still honest answer. In my experience, people who start being bothered by things like these in a relationship after so long just want an out anyway. She didn't suddenly tell you, three years later "Oh hey babe btw I'm indonesian!" You know this long before but now it bothers you enough to want to walk away? Or your nice way of saying it "let her go" (insert eyeroll)

    Perhaps you want something different or you're bored in the relationship, 3 years is sort of a long time to not have decided if this is a lifelong parter. The fact that you're questioning it at this point because of her country of origin makes it clear that she is not the one for you. Thats why I say stop wasting her time because no one likes to be strung along. Just do it quick, like a bandaid. There's really no nice or sweet way of breaking up with someone.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I also don't buy that he has low self esteem. If it was a self esteem issue it would have bothered him from the beginning. Its more like OP is kind of a jerk but he's trying to be nice about it.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Just break up with her if this is an issue. I see that you're only 18 anyways!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    gotta love these 1st world problems.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    Lol, okay I'll give a nicer but still honest answer. In my experience, people who start being bothered by things like these in a relationship after so long just want an out anyway. She didn't suddenly tell you, three years later "Oh hey babe btw I'm indonesian!" You know this long before but now it bothers you enough to want to walk away? Or your nice way of saying it "let her go" (insert eyeroll)

    Perhaps you want something different or you're bored in the relationship, 3 years is sort of a long time to not have decided if this is a lifelong parter. The fact that you're questioning it at this point because of her country of origin makes it clear that she is not the one for you. Thats why I say stop wasting her time because no one likes to be strung along. Just do it quick, like a bandaid. There's really no nice or sweet way of breaking up with someone.

    This makes perfect sense except that it's only been 3 months, not years. So I think its probably the insecurity thing.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Lol, okay I'll give a nicer but still honest answer. In my experience, people who start being bothered by things like these in a relationship after so long just want an out anyway. She didn't suddenly tell you, three years later "Oh hey babe btw I'm indonesian!" You know this long before but now it bothers you enough to want to walk away? Or your nice way of saying it "let her go" (insert eyeroll)

    Perhaps you want something different or you're bored in the relationship, 3 years is sort of a long time to not have decided if this is a lifelong parter. The fact that you're questioning it at this point because of her country of origin makes it clear that she is not the one for you. Thats why I say stop wasting her time because no one likes to be strung along. Just do it quick, like a bandaid. There's really no nice or sweet way of breaking up with someone.

    This makes perfect sense except that it's only been 3 months, not years. So I think its probably the insecurity thing.

    Oopsie I can't read! Lol well if its only three months then what does it even matter! That's hardly a relationship.

    sheeeshhh I just wasted so much typing juice in this thread. I'm gonna log these exercise calories.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Whats her number?
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    If you go through life never doing the things that someone else MIGHT be able to do better, you're never going to get anywhere. If you really want this, take a look at what those differences would be and make up for them. Learn the culture. Take her there. Be as good to her as that potential Indonesian guy would be. Go make life what you want it to be.

    Agreed. In fact, in almost everything almost everyone can be pretty sure SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE can do anything they plan to do better than they can. That really doesn't seem like a good reason not to do something, unless you never plan to do anything.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    What are you 14? Lol'd heartily at the OP.
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    I also don't buy that he has low self esteem. If it was a self esteem issue it would have bothered him from the beginning. Its more like OP is kind of a jerk but he's trying to be nice about it.

    Well now that's even more annoying. OP, man up to the fact that you're a jerk and move on. Acting like a p*ssy is no more flattering than being a d*ck.

    In addition....all his talk about her being Asian too and how she should be with an Asian guy and not him because he's English.......I detect the faint stench of racism...... :grumble:
    Oh god you guys! Please!!! Be nice! He is asking for advice. Think about it. Re-read his post. He loves her, and is looking for advice, not criticism!

    I would have had more respect for him if he had said that maybe she'd be better off with a different guy....full stop. Sure.....he'd still look like an insecure pansy to me, but the minute he brought up the English vs Asian thing, he lost my sympathy. It doesn't matter what the person's origin is.....if you really love them and really want it to do whatever work it takes. He's copping out with the English vs Asian thing and that really frosts me.
  • Natty0506
    Natty0506 Posts: 103 Member
    I was born and raised in Hawaii, and moved to the east coast of the US as a teenager. I'm now 27 and miss home like CRAZY. That doesn't mean I don't love my husband or the family we have together. We're now considering moving back to Hawaii so that I can be happy. Relationships take compromise. Good luck!
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    Talk to her about it, but not in a way which makes you sound needy, that is not attractive.

    But, diversity is a good thing. Widen your knowledge on her culture but no need to go over board.