I atenot so great today:(

Today I was running errands all morning and most of the afternoon and I forgot to bring something healthy to snack on so I ended up buying a pop tart from a service station for breakfast, and i had arbys for lunch. So since i don't eat meati just got a small shake and a medium fry. Little did i know this treat cost me about 1000 calories!! Plus about 200 for the pop tart! That only left me with 100 cals for dinner and even a small plate of fruits and veggies could'nt save me!

I feel horrible about it and dont know what to do? I just feel like crying myself to sleep and eating nothing fast food ever ever again:(


  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    Today is just one day. You have no reason to beat yourself up about this. Eat fine tomorrow, you haven't fallen off any wagons, you just had an off day.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Looks like you just started your journey :) its okay! It's a learning process...especially in the beginning. It takes time for you to realize how many calories are in some of those smaller portions. I quickly realized how I had gained so much weight even though I ate healthy food most of the time. It was calorie dense. Not that French fries are healthy lol. Don't be hard on yourself and get back on track tomorrow :)
  • 7djt
    7djt Posts: 38 Member
    pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again - vow to do better tomorrow and forgive yourself.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Don't waste another second thinking about it. You're trying to lose weight for the rest of your life, so taking a day off is nothing in the long run. One day of eating above your number never killed anyone. Plus, if you've got MFP set for a calorie deficit, and day of eating 500-1000 calories over your goal means your weight stays the same. Go another 1000 calories over that, and you gain 1/3 of a pound. No sense getting frustrated over fractional pounds.

    And next time I recommend that you don't skip dinner. If you were planning to have a healthy meal with there's no sense in denying your body the actual nutrients it needs just because you had ice cream 6 hours prior. I find when I try to do that I get both hungrier and more frustrated and tend to binge more...or quitting entirely.

    I also suggest you check out the Eat This, Not That books. You don't have to spend money on them, you can just sign up for their tweets or facebook posts. They gave me dozens of ideas to eat at fast food places when I'm stuck in my car. No more, "well, I don't have anything so I guess it's a double quarter pounder and fries and McD's. And yes, make that large size, cuz I'm HUNGRY." You'd be amazed on what you can eat at Taco Bell or KFC or even Arbys and stay on track. Those books were the turning point for me because It left with me with no excuses for blowing my calorie budget
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    We all trip some of us fall down, but the important thing is getting back up. Tomorrow is a fresh start drink a lot of water and get back on track......
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Today is just one day. You have no reason to beat yourself up about this. Eat fine tomorrow, you haven't fallen off any wagons, you just had an off day.

    Thank you for saying all of this. I wish more people would realize that one high calorie day/meal isn't the end of the journey! Don't even look at it as a mistake or cheating. We're all human, we all like food (don't deny that)... and heck, your metabolism could thank you lol. And tomorrow isn't "starting fresh", you didn't ruin anything :-)
  • debinewb1
    debinewb1 Posts: 50 Member
    It will be ok. Listen to all of these folks with the awesome words of wisdom!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Today is just one day. You have no reason to beat yourself up about this. Eat fine tomorrow, you haven't fallen off any wagons, you just had an off day.

  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    you'll be fine, just be good tomorrow. Lightening isn't going to strike you down just cause you ate fast food. Just relax, it'll be ok.
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    Oh my goodness ): check out my diary from today!! I didn't even add everything either, maybe it'll help u feel alittle better, cause I feel like complete crap, hate when I do this )":
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    Don't overreact. It's not a big deal at all. Think of it this way: when you were eating bad and ate good one day did you lose weight? No. So, why would eating bad one day when eating good the other days cause you to gain weight?
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again - vow to do better tomorrow and forgive yourself.

    Short, sweet and true!!! Also, check out the group 'Eat More to Weigh Less'. It sound as if you are eating 1200 which seems to be what everyone gets set at. You should be consuming at least your BMR every day and I doubt your BMR is 1200! Look into it. I was going to bed feeling guilty like this many nights until I hit a plateau for 5 weeks and found this group!!!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Don't waste another second thinking about it. You're trying to lose weight for the rest of your life, so taking a day off is nothing in the long run. One day of eating above your number never killed anyone. Plus, if you've got MFP set for a calorie deficit, and day of eating 500-1000 calories over your goal means your weight stays the same. Go another 1000 calories over that, and you gain 1/3 of a pound. No sense getting frustrated over fractional pounds.

    And next time I recommend that you don't skip dinner. If you were planning to have a healthy meal with there's no sense in denying your body the actual nutrients it needs just because you had ice cream 6 hours prior. I find when I try to do that I get both hungrier and more frustrated and tend to binge more...or quitting entirely.

    I also suggest you check out the Eat This, Not That books. You don't have to spend money on them, you can just sign up for their tweets or facebook posts. They gave me dozens of ideas to eat at fast food places when I'm stuck in my car. No more, "well, I don't have anything so I guess it's a double quarter pounder and fries and McD's. And yes, make that large size, cuz I'm HUNGRY." You'd be amazed on what you can eat at Taco Bell or KFC or even Arbys and stay on track. Those books were the turning point for me because It left with me with no excuses for blowing my calorie budget

    Totally going to check out these books! Thank you!!! We are on the road a lot and sometimes I just don't have time to plan ahead and pack food!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    it's just one day....don't be so hard on yourself. not all fast food is BAD per se, you just have to make healthier choices. stuff like that happens running errands and stuff....that's life. smile and start up again tomorrow :)
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    As everyone said, it's one day--don't let it discourage you... When I read that you don't eat meat, I though that maybe you are not getting enough protein? You have to work a little harder at this when you're a vegetarian (especially when eating out). But you will likely find that it is easier to resist temptation when you've had a good amount of protein. This is why I've seen a lot of people switching to a vegetarian diet gaining weight- they eat carbs and are never satisfied so they eat more carbs. You can keep some protein bars and eat that instead of a pop tart. And it's been a while since I've been there but I recall that Burger King even has a veggie burger, if you absolutely have to get fast food. Or find a market that has salad bars with tofu, etc.