The Biggest Loser?? Any takers?

TiasF Posts: 58 Member
Hey you guys,

I recently saw that The Biggest Loser was casting for its 14th season ( ) and I was wondering if any of my mfp fam was considering it?... I was seriously thinking about applying, but I am a student right now and I would love to finish out my degree, especially with my class (it takes like a 5 month commitment throughout my school year). Is that another stupid excuse or should I go for it? I dont like people in my business like that, but I feel like this is the push that would make things happen... is anyone else considering TBL?


  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    I don't think it's the BEST way to lose weight because it forces you to lose it a little to fast.

    However (and this is a big however), if it will inspire you to lose the weight and you feel like you would have trouble losing it on your own, I personally think it's far better to lose the weight a little to fast than to not lose the weight at all. Also, if you get paid or get free food or something, that's always a plus :smile: !

    Can you apply and still finish with your class if you don't get it? If you apply and get it, do you have to do it? Do you have to pay to apply?

    If the answers are Yes, No, No, I'd say definitely apply. What's the worst that could happen?
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm considering it.

    About the post above me (@gogophers) You don't have to pay to apply, and you do get paid to be there (plus per diem/food.) I'd just be a little embarrassed about the weigh-in part, which is a huge part of the show. Otherwise I'd PAY THEM for the opportunity to work with their trainers and medical/support staff.
  • TiasF
    TiasF Posts: 58 Member
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    :bigsmile: you should go for it! what's the worst that can happen? they accept you and you lose weight their way, or you don't get accepted and you lose the weight yourself? either will be doing something you wanted to............losing the weight :o)

    I say you GO FOR IT!!!!!! and then, you let us know what happens :o)

    good luck either way........
  • sweetiemimila
    sweetiemimila Posts: 28 Member
    I applied... Have my fingers crossed that I make it. I am determined. lol
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    :wink: YAAAAAAAAAAAY I hope you make it too :o)
    :huh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    while it might not technically be the "best" way to drop the pounds, it would sure get a person started well on their way, and give them lots to think about food and otherwise!

    Keep us up to date because I wanna see how you do :o)