starting something new...

so i'm going to change around my diet...I'm cutting out as much man made sugar as possible...Aside from my 3 servings of fruit and veggies (those sugars i wont worry about) i'm going to aim for under 10 grams of man made sugars!! far today i've technically have had 19 grams, but 16 of those grams are from an apple....and i'll have another apple before the day is over, and dinner im going to aim for 2 sugars max......ooooo boy this is hard... You never really realize how much sugar is in EVERYTHING... but i'm going to pay close attention now! :bigsmile:


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member

    I am a sugar junky and have been clean for 4 years!:smile:

    It is really hard sometimes to give up refined sugar. Things like ketchup are outrageously high in sugar. I found that some sugar was the small amount that is in Lindt 85% cocoa, if I only have one or maybe two squares (2.5g for two squares)

    After a serious accident that kept me from being able to exercise I had gained a lot of weight. After I went sugar free I lost almost 25# over the course of three years. I know that doesn't sound impressive for weight loss but the ONLY think I changed was going sugar free.

    I never concern myself with natural sugars in fruit.

    Good luck!