Cursive writing or Print?



    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    i can start writing a paper/poem in print and then randomly in mid sentence it will go into cursive. even the same word will have a mix of both.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member

    Doesn't matter much, nobody can read my handwriting whether it's print or cursive. :P
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Anything handwritten, I write in cursive, from shopping lists to thank you notes. Printing is too time consuming.
  • neurogirl
    neurogirl Posts: 706 Member
    I have a strong preference to write in cursive. When I was younger I used to practice from the age of 6 or 7 to write in cursive when I was at home. I also practiced my print writing, but I find it's faster for me to write in cursive and that I have a preference for the way it looks when I write. Italso help that my cursive is still legible since I wrote way too many notes in college/grad school until I started to bring my laptop to lectures :laugh:
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    I print always...the only thing I write in cursive is when I sign something
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I print always...the only thing I write in cursive is when I sign something

    I'm pretty sure that's how it is for a lot of people. I can't remember the last time I wrote something substantial in cursive..though I do seem to throw a random word in cursive or some letters, for good measure maybe? Maybe I have some cursive quota to fill?
  • drezha
    drezha Posts: 18
    Cursive for writing for myself or anything that I think only I'll see.
    If I'm annotating a drawing for a client, it has to be print.

    To be fair, most of the time I spend typing so writing doesn't happen often anymore :/
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    Cursive. Learned cursive in 3rd grade and started losing my eyesight quickly, so writing in large, legible cursive was the best way for me to keep legible notes. And I had to write EVERYTHING the teacher said because I couldn't read the board, and I was too scared to tell my parents i needed glasses until I was in high school, and then only because I was going to start driving :laugh:

    By then my cursive looked almost like calligraphy and now I'm trying to teach my daughter how to write neatly in cursive. Then again, her dad's a scientist with God-awful handwriting so she comes by her scribbles honestly :smile:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I learned to write cursive, but years of scribbling notes in college destroyed the skill. I can, but it looks horrible.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    I hand write all the time. c: You'd be astonished how many younger people have been reviving the art of handwritten letters and snail mail.

    I also have different styles; does anyone else? Most commonly though, I tend to write in all-caps. My handwriting is tiny, regardless of what style I'm using and most people tell me it looks typed. I don't write in standard cursive, but I do have distinctive script and even half-print, half-script.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    The only things that really ever get written in cursive are cards that are going in the mail to other people (birthday, thank yous, holidays, etc) and signatures. Pretty much everything else gets printed because it takes too long to make my cursive (or my print if I'm honest) look nice and neat. Who knows, perhaps America will go the way of the Asian countries and we'll all just "sign" stuff by using a stamp of our name. That's what the Koreans did for the 3 years that I lived there. I however wasn't aware that they weren't teaching cursive in schools anymore. I remember I learned that in 3rd grade and was expected to write like that for the remainder of the school year.
  • melisabee
    melisabee Posts: 19
    When I was a kid and through my 20's, I wrote in cursive. Now, I always print, do signature in cursive. I do connect my printed letters sometimes as if they were cursive.