is dis something which only i feel.....

i dont know why i have a weird feeling... I have been on this weight loss journey from the past 7 months.

I live in india so am at such a stage of life where all my friends are getting married most of them are arrange marriages..

so i felt only slim good looking girls get guys they want and do not have to compromise on anything in life and a person like me has to be happy with doing compromises in life at every stage in life??????

friends am i thinking right???


  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Absolutely not. I was never slim growing up, but I was as confident as anyone ever has been.. and guys are attracted to that. I never settled for anything less than what I wanted, and I usually got it. I have always rather been alone than give up an inch of myself. If a guy ever tried to belittle me, or dominate me, or be jealous of my time, I'd ditch him quicker than a hot potato. There are LOTS of fish in the sea. Find the one you want. Boldly.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I thought the same thing. I was large through middle school and larger through high school and was miserable and convinced that the reason everyone else enjoyed themselves so much was because they were thin and thin = happy. Then I lost weight in college. A lot of weight. I went from 165 to 95 pounds. I'm 5'1", but that was too thin. But thin meant being happy right? Not at all! I definitely attracted more male attention, but honestly it was so hard to distinguish genuine interest from guys who just wanted to get in my pants that I ended up being defensive with all of them. I was thin, but I wasn't happy. It's like people that think money will make you happy, that's not necessarily true either. The post above is right, people recognize someone who is confident with who they are. I wasn't confident then and it showed.
    I gained weight after college, but was able to maintain a healthy appearance ranging from 115 to 125. Most importantly it no longer consumed my life as being the key to what I didn't have. I knew it wasn't true. So I worked on liking me and being confident as a person. I'm losing weight now after having a baby. I'm married with a child and confident and most of all happy and things seem to work out for me now more than ever and when they don't, I can confidently deal and move on.
    From your profile photo you are already gorgeous. If you want to lose weight do it for you, not because it will make you happy or make your life easier. It won't. Happiness is already hiding in you no matter what your weight, you need to try to find it. For me that was harder than losing weight. It took years, but I'm glad I did.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    i dont know why i have a weird feeling... I have been on this weight loss journey from the past 7 months.

    I live in india so am at such a stage of life where all my friends are getting married most of them are arrange marriages..

    so i felt only slim good looking girls get guys they want and do not have to compromise on anything in life and a person like me has to be happy with doing compromises in life at every stage in life??????

    friends am i thinking right???

    First of all, from one woman to another, you are lovely.

    Even if you were to NEVER, ever lose even 1 more pound, you are very pretty.

    Especially this photo: 3293878_7856.jpg (sorry if it's not okay to post it)

    Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you aren't good looking, that is just terrible.

    You control your life, and if you don't want to compromise, then don't. If you don't want to be set up with an arranged marriage and you feel like you have to because you aren't "slim and good looking" that is not true and you should not have to put up with that. Have some confidence in yourself and a man who deserves you will see that and want to get to know you, not because you are slim, but just because you are you!

    I speak from experience, because I used to be where you are...and i kept myself sheltered and hidden away from many experiences in life. I am now married to the man that changed my world.

    Lose weight for yourself, don't lose weight just so you can avoid having to compromise. the way to avoid compromising is to just say "No, it's my life and i control happens in it."
  • Prettyasmi
    Prettyasmi Posts: 72
    I was never slim and got love of my hubby who loves me so much(love marriage)!!

    And by the way you are not that fat!! You will surely find your love!!
  • swati37
    swati37 Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks friends..

    U cannot imagine how big smile i had while reading everyone comments..

    Thats the reason i love u guys.. love MFP.. its d most amazing thing i could have got used to.. now i will do it for myself and not for anybody... i will be healthy for my own life and if somebody doesnot like me the way i am he does not deserve to be with me...

    love u guysss