40g of cereal -

Hi guys,

This is my first post, although I have been using MFP for about 30 days.

What a great concept MFP is!! I have soon learnt my calorific vices. More about that in a future post though.

Anyway on to my question for those who haven't got bored of my ramblings.
I am eating 90g of Honey Nut Shredded Wheat for brekkie. Should I be eating less? 40g is never going to fill me up!
Is 40g recommended or is that just a marketing thing?

A bit of background. I am 43 years old and weigh 175 pounds (12.5 stone). Five foot 9. Obviously handsome, erudite and wealthy.

Thanks for reading,



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    You can eat 90g - but you have to decide if the amount of nutrition you are getting is worth the calories.
    If not, try something different for breakfast.
  • puppycloud
    puppycloud Posts: 42
    I've eaten 30 - 40 grams cereal for months, usually mixed with some fruit. Try it out a couple of days and see how it goes.
    I have personally found that how much I eat does not matter that much on how long I am full. 30 grams cereal will keep me full as long as 90 grams.
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    Eat as much as you like as long as you have the calories!
  • loztredders
    loztredders Posts: 142
    I have double the recommended serving size of cereals usually, and just make sure I log it correctly.I love my cereal for breakfast :-) best meal of the day for me!
  • math1182
    math1182 Posts: 15
    I used to eat a full bowl of cereal in the morning but cut it to 50g. I was also worried that it wouldn't be enough. But once I put the dish in the dishwasher and get on with life it feels just the same. I am no hungrier on 50g that I was on a full bowl. Give it a try :)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    30g or 40g never looks like much to me, but I usually stick to the serving size and eat it with yoghurt and fruit as well. The variety satisfies me much more than consuming twice as much of the same thing.
  • JCTJennings
    JCTJennings Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks guys. I have cut down to 40g (approx).

    Seems to be going OK.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Add something with protein to your breakfast if you'd like more to eat... an egg, some yogurt, a slice of cheese... it will make that cereal last longer i.e. keep you fuller feeling for longer.
  • SunnyFitt
    SunnyFitt Posts: 34 Member
    Add something with protein to your breakfast if you'd like more to eat... an egg, some yogurt, a slice of cheese... it will make that cereal last longer i.e. keep you fuller feeling for longer.

    Just what I wanted to say. Adding protein to all your meals will keep your blood sugars leveled and make you feel fuller longer. Having had boiled eggs in the fridge to stuff in when you feel you need some quick proteins is an easy way to go about this. Just eat your bowl of cereal and then stuff in a ready cooked egg from the fridge and you are good.

    Also, a friendly suggestion, for maximum use of calories and success with the weight loss you maybe should consider switching to a non sweet cereal. You could sweeten it with some fruit instead. Oats, weetabix, regular cheerios... a lot goes and tastes good without the sugar once you get used to it.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    Add something with protein to your breakfast if you'd like more to eat... an egg, some yogurt, a slice of cheese... it will make that cereal last longer i.e. keep you fuller feeling for longer.

    Just what I wanted to say. Adding protein to all your meals will keep your blood sugars leveled and make you feel fuller longer. Having had boiled eggs in the fridge to stuff in when you feel you need some quick proteins is an easy way to go about this. Just eat your bowl of cereal and then stuff in a ready cooked egg from the fridge and you are good.

    Also, a friendly suggestion, for maximum use of calories and success with the weight loss you maybe should consider switching to a non sweet cereal. You could sweeten it with some fruit instead. Oats, weetabix, regular cheerios... a lot goes and tastes good without the sugar once you get used to it.

    Exactly what I was going to suggest. I have no idea how many calories are in the sugary breakfast cereals as I have never bought them but I can imagine that gram for gram you the OP could eat a much bigger serving of something whole grain and sugar free. porridge oats made with skimmed milk or water is excellent and if you add in some chopped fruit (fresh or dried) that will sweeten it up, or even a small spoon of fruit preserve.