Hi,another newbie here

howe60 Posts: 9 Member
a friend told me about fitness pal last night and I thought I would download it and give it a go.
I love it
Only problem is I had a banana for breakfast ha ha ha.
1 of the 5 foods you should never eat !!!
Am from Kent uk. Would love to lose 100pounds.
Am doing a sponsored slim for cri du chat support group, thought it may help me as well as the charity.
I dieted for a couple of weeks then have gone off the rails.
Lets see if fitness pal can help.
Am 52 this month and have never posted on a board before.
So hello everyone and good luck xxx


  • Nahnita
    Nahnita Posts: 23
    Hi! Good luck! I am also new and trying to lose 100 pounds! :)
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Best of Luck to you!

    I'm a newbie too, and not so much here to lose weight, as I am to just get healthy. MFP seems to be a great community of positive minded people, and I hope the extra motivation will give us both that extra push we need.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Hi I'm new too please don't say bananas are bad ..... i eat at least one a day
  • kmh0617
    kmh0617 Posts: 51 Member
    There is no reason to cut out bananas or fruit. Natural unprocessed foods are good for you! I find that I stay satisfied by having plety of fiber throughout the day and plenty of protein. Protein added to all snacks and meals is a good way to stay satisfied, as you body digests it more slowly, and it helps to not spike (then drop) your blood sugar - making you hungry. Add a tablespoon of natural peanut butter to your banana. Or eat it with a Greek yogurt, or small piece of cheese, or nuts.
  • Thedream1
    Thedream1 Posts: 7
    u can do it girl
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! Welcome ladies. This is the best site, I have been here for just over 90 day. I have lost about 23 lbs and I have a total of 50 to lose. I'm 54 and 5'9". I eat a banana every morning as it helps with the cramps that I get in my feet, I usually eat a small one. My diary is open to anyone, take a look and my progress pics are there also. Good luck and hope you enjoy it here as much as I have. There is a lot of support here.:wink:
  • fionamiller50
    fionamiller50 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck to you. I wondered about doing a sponsored slim for Oxfam. But in the end feel I'd prefer not to publicise my trials and tribulations too widely...:wink: