
Is anyone trying to get rid of their baby wieght while breastfeeding?! Any tips or tricks you can pass along?


  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    The best advice is to be patient and go slow. Trying to lose weight too quickly while breastfeeding can easily backfire and cause you to hold onto weight, as well as lower your supply, and for some of us milk quality. Just make sure you take in enough for yourself and for your baby - no more than a pound a week, and add the extra calories for breastfeeding in (there are many entries in the food database depending on your exact situation).

    It's been working for me - I'm almost 10 pounds below prepregnancy from my first, and 27 pounds below prepregnancy from my second, who just turned 8 months old.
  • paperstars
    paperstars Posts: 76 Member
    Definitely go slow and be really careful you're keeping up with your calories, especially if you've had supply issues. Remember you burn between 300-500 calories per day nursing, depending on the age of your baby and frequency. I wouldn't aim for more than a pound of weight loss per week and I wouldn't make any drastic changes all at once. Good luck! I nursed both my children while trying to lose the baby weight. The first came off very quickly, but the second took probably six months (although I really didn't diet or exercise much).

    Edit: I've also heard weightwatchers has a program specifically for nursing moms, if you're interested.