Dilemma with Lifting

Hey Guys

I've been lifting heavy for about 6 weeks now and have been faced with a dilemma!

Basically everytime I lift heavy I become thicker and feel swollen and this is reflected on the scale the next day where I normally weigh 1 kg or so heavier..

I lift about 3 times a week (monday, wednesday and friday) so I'm constantly feel like I am carrying water due to sore muscles (don't have doms anymore but still feel a little sore the next day)

Especially when I work out my legs! The next day I am so much heavier and my jeans are tighter! I know it's definitely not from building muscle.. its water weight from sore muscles

I thought lifting is meant to make you lose inches? But I'm always feeling 'thicker' when i put on my skinny jeans because my legs are all swollen and sore...

Anyone else have this problem? All week I'm one kg heavier... the lightest I weigh /smallest I feel is monday morning as I have had a 2 day break... and sometimes I dont feel like going to the gym on mondays because I know it starts all over again!!!

How do I get over this? I'm not looking to lose weight .. just maintaining weight, losing inches and looking more fit and healthier... Does this constant cycle ever stop?


  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    You've said it yourself - your muscles are swollen most of the week. You'll lose inches, but it takes a while (8-12 weeks). My way around it (three weeks in) is just to not weigh myself unless I've had a couple of days off. It will stop, but you have to be more patient with it.
  • sharmeen13
    Thanks for your response! :)

    Yeap I'm definitely going to keep lifting but was just wondering if anyone else was in the same boat and if they overcame this..

    So have you noticed you weigh more after you lift as well? Is that why you only weigh yourself when you have a few days off?

    It's not so much the number on the scale I just don't like pouring out of my jeans....

    For example I lifted heavy on friday .. did a great legs session.. really felt it during squats.. then friday night i went out and my arms were so thick, my legs were all swollen and big and my stomach was flat but kind of sticking out more than usual!

    I guess it's like guys who hit the gym an hour before they hit the town to pick up ladies.. their arms and chest muscles appear bigger! Just sucks when it happens to us girls!
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Thati is normal . The same would hold true if you work out your arms. Wouldnt your shirt sleeves fit tighter?
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Yep, you're holding on to the good stuff that helps with muscle recovery. I've heard we could be holding anywhere from 2-5 lbs of water/glycogen etc. The only time I've notice the opposite be true is when I do overhead presses. Those days I feel (and look) smaller and tighter throughout my core. I weigh myself after my two rest days.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've tested the theory...weighed myself before going to the gym in the morning, and weighed at the gym after working out with weights...and I'm usually 2 pounds heavier. Over time you will not find that is as much the case. Keep it up! Weight training is the best!
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Yeah, I weigh more after I lift (and for a couple of days after it). I'm not thin, so maybe I don't notice the bloating as much. My muscles definitely feel bigger for a day or two after, but I have a layer of fat on top and most of my clothes fit differently all the time anyway. You know you're doing the good stuff, though!
  • sharmeen13
    Thanks for the responses everyone! Will definitely keep up the weight training.. hopefully it's not as bad after a few more weeks!