New to this

mdcrn Posts: 2 Member
Greetings fellow fitness pals,
My name is Melissa and I've started my new diet/fitness regime. I'm a single gal, sick of being single and eternally tired. Looking for new found energy and hopefully a husband along the way :) Looking forward to connecting and gaining advice and motivation from all of you!


  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Welcome Melissa. You made a great first step to your goals. Don't look at this as a diet. This is a way of eating that you can sustain. Diets , you go on and off. Logging your food can be a real eye opener.When you are logging your food you think about what your eating more. You look for ways to change things, you make better choices. I read your profile and you are busy working and going to school. Just look for ways to get in some extra walking in your dailly life. This will work if you are determined to make it work. Lots of ideas on this sight. You can add me as a friend if you want.
  • donnajsanderson
    donnajsanderson Posts: 2 Member
    Hello fitness pals, My name is Donna. I have been doing this 4 wks now. I have to say this has been much better than Adkins, weight watchers, HCG. Yes, I have tried all those. I have lost 3 pds. I am a little concerned because I love junk food. I can't seem to stop craving chocolate, cookies, etc. I weight 143, And just started a little exercise. Does anyone have advice. I also, smoke about 5-6 cigarettes a day. I am trying to put those behind me also.