I need more motivated, supportive, friends...

lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
Hey everyone I am 28 years old. I weigh 292 lbs and I want to lose 100lbs by my 30th birthday. I have about a year and 3 months to do it. I am 110% dedicated. I was told I am prediabetic, I am on high bp meds, I have pcos and well I need to not have so many health issues at 28. I have been a member for a while but I have to make this work because I have so much to look forward to. Sooooo.. Join me on this journey, lets make it fun, lets vent when we need to, and lets all make new friends.

Cheers and happy losing,


  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    I'll add you. :] I love being able to support people/having more support myself!
  • JennyJMcD
    JennyJMcD Posts: 2
    I am brand new to my fitness pal.com and would love to add some friends for support!

    Jenny :)
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks everyone... I am going to be doing jillian michaels 30 ds too. I did it before but I didnt keep up with it. So I am going to do it this time.
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I'll add you. I have less than 6 weeks to loose 20 more lbs. I just ordered Jillian Michaels 30ds. I'm excited to start it.
  • Xenastrah
    Xenastrah Posts: 36
    We have some in common, i am 28, have pcos, and my starting weight was 282lbs. Im fairly motivated myself, so if you want to send me a friend request i wouldn't mind at all!! :o)

    Lots of luck on your new journey!! :o)
  • I've tried and failed to lose weight so many times in the past but this time is different, i am so determined and ive been sticking to and lost 10lbs so far, i come on here everyday and the support system is great! Feel free to add me! (any of you! :))
  • Pct1
    Pct1 Posts: 4
    I would love to add some friends for support also.. If you would like please add me . Not sure how to do that on the computer yet..;) also if anyone else would like to add me please do.. I need all the support/motivation i can get and love to give support back..;)
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Adding you :)
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Love to add you!;) Friend request sent:)
  • paulaann67
    paulaann67 Posts: 145 Member
    You can add me I love having positive friends & I'm on here every day!:smile:
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Please feel free to add me (anyone), I just started about a week ago and the support here is amazing!
  • kevinwk
    kevinwk Posts: 77
    You really can do this and meet your goals. At the beginning of the year I was Diabetes Type 2, had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Since I really got my butt in gear and my head straight, I have been hitting the gym 5 days a week and consistently log in the food. End of March I had good ol' blood work done and all (blood sugars, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc) all came back in the normal range. I still have a ways to go for my own goal, but it's finally working. I will add you as I am on here daily and like to support folks. Anyone that would like to add me, please feel free to do so! Love to get the support too, it helps hold me accountable.
  • etay888
    etay888 Posts: 17
    Hi! I am 23 and am currently 178 (which for my hieght of 5'3" is borderline "obese" on the BMI) I also want friends on here, if only to keep me accountable to someone and get tips and inspiration. I want to lose 20lbs by my wedding next June!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    Sending you a friend request. I still have another 128 lbs to lose but have lost a total of 84 so far. I will be here and I will motivate anyone who wants to friend me because I am in this for the long run.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm on day #6 on 30DS but this isn't my first time. I have 46 more pounds to go!
  • whitneyrenae
    whitneyrenae Posts: 56 Member
    Im so with you, I actually just wiped out all my old "friends" on here except one, bc they are not very responsive, even when I respond to their things all the time. My story is that I just had a csection 11 days ago and got all the way up to 205. In these 11 days im down to 186ish... (need new scale because the last number doesnt come in well). My goal weight is 140. I really need supportive friends on my journey as well. I cannot start working out for about 4 1/2 more weeks, but i want to be well prepared. :-) Good luck to all of us! :-) I'll send you a friend add now.