Can I ask a gross question? (re: body odor....)



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,599 Member
    Is this merely your perception or have other people noticed? Ask a good friend or spouse.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I had this problem with some gym gear I'd just bought. No matter how much I washed them, they still smelt awful. I read something online about soaking them in vinegar and thought I'd try it. Guess what... it worked perfectly. Now I do it all the time and haven't had a problem since.

    Put stinky gym clothes in a bucket and fill with water. Add a cup or two of regular white vinegar and leave to soak overnight. Throw into the washing machine and wash again as per usual and the smell should have gone. No need for expensive detergents!

    ^^^^ great answer. Also, use some apple cider vinegar under your arms. It's bacteria that causes body odor and deoderant will not help that. While in the shower just take a cloth and rub the vinegar under your arms, wait a few minutes then rinse. The vinegar smell goes away pretty fast and you will be amazed at the results. I just wrote a long blog on the benefits of vinegar :)
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    So, I told my friend my dilema and she sniffed me;) She said I do not stink--good to know;).

    I am almost certain it was my laundry soap. I do put vinegar in the machine and let it soak before I start the cycle so I thought that was enough. Switched detergents and it seems my problem is gone:) Glad it wasn't me;)!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    One thing that happened to me was our washer was a side loader, and the lady that used it before us used "essential oils" in it. I would wash a load of clothes, throw em in the dryer and they smelled clean. Later after wearing them for a little while or working up a sweat they would smell like dirty rotten gym socks. It didn't matter what kind of soap, or anything like that, something was wrong with that washer, tried running bleach through it and everything. Eventually the washer broke, we got a new one, haven't had a problem since, even with same clothes.

    There's something buggy with our washer that makes clothes stink when they get wet. Towels and gym clothes (anything that got wet) would stink like cat pee and we don't have a cat. I bought one of those Downy balls (that opens in the spin cycle) and I put plain white vinegar in it. The clothes don't stink anymore.

    Additionally, OP, take a look at what you're eating. Maybe there's a spice that you're processing funny? Has your diet changed that much? Have you recently come off all sugar and you body is adjusting?
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