Time to stop my own madness

Hi...Ok, I'm not totally new here. I've been using MFP off and on for a while just to track, but I haven't really been serious enough about it. 2 years ago I lost 25 lbs doing Jillian Michaels' program. It was great. It kicked my butt into gear and I looked and felt fantastic. Then I got some sort of rotator cuff injury which still hasn't healed properly. I started getting complacent and lazy, and self-medicating with too much wine and martinis (I even put the scale away). Fast forward to now...here I am..15 lbs gained back. Clothing not fitting. Feeling like total crap--still in pain from the shoulder and disappointed in myself for letting things slide so far.

So today I made a decision. I'm tired of the self-loathing and beating myself up and putting perfectly good (and frankly cute) clothes in the Goodwill bag because I can't fit into them anymore. I'm getting the scale out, weighing myself to see how much damage has been done, and I'm starting over before the full 25 is back.

I know my sob story isn't new to anyone. But I'd really like to hear what others in my situation have to say. I'd love some words of encouragement and support if anyone has any to give.

Thanks in advance.


  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Hi Amy. Congratulations with your decision to get healthier and into shape. You know it´s gonna take some time, but you´re on the right track. It´s frustrating to have to start all over, but you can do it again. You´re not alone in this. And you can "sob" all you want, that´s why were here. To support and motivate. Personally, I´m new in here, just started today. I´m very positive about this. You can do this! Lea.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Thanks Lea. The scale comes out tomorrow AM right after my shower. We'll see the damage done. Having my "last meal" tonight, which ironically is really healthy. But really it's the wine I have to really cut back on and get back to a regular workout schedule. Anyway, I am pledging to myself to faithfully track daily and weigh in weekly. Thanks for your kind words of support.

    Amy :smile: