in need of motivation....

Hello everyone,

I seemed to have fallen off the wagon and in need of motivation. I was sick a few weeks ago which made it hard to for me to exercise. After that I went away for a graduation and fell hard on my knees. Stop me again from exercising. I got so depressed about not being able to exercise that I just said the heck with it and started eating. I have refused to weigh or measure myself. I was doing so well, walking on my treadmill for an hour or more or riding my bike for at least the same about or trying to top my last run every day. Why is it so easy to gain this darn weight but it is such a B***H to get off. What makes it worse is that my husband likes no, love me the way I am, but I hate it. This makes it even hard for me to get motivated. I sometime say well he likes the wiggle and giggle so why bother. Please help me get motivated I know I need to lose at this weight for me and my health. I AM JUST STUCK!!!!
Please help!!!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I know the feeling - I was sick all week so no exercise. Tomorrow I'm going to force myself to do something whether I want to or not!! Just gotta DO IT! Pick whatever activity you like best and do it today! I think that's going to be my plan.
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    To lose weight and keep it off, you have to make some dietary choices. Get rid of the fast & convenient food that you find all put together nicely in a package, parading it as "nutritional". It's not, read the labels. Lose the processed carbohydrates. They're one of the main reasons we continue battling the bulge.. this would be things like breads, pastas and rice. Take a look at those labels sometimes, and see how many carbs. Then look at everything else they add to them as preservatives.

    I read the labels of everything I buy, even in the bulk isles, where I buy most of my stuff. It's hard to do it when you're at the local farmers markets buying vegetables, but you can always look for calorie properties in the db. However, check multiple sources before taking it as gospel.

    Everything in moderation, one day at a time.

    You can do this even with limited exercise, though, I highly recommend even just walking around the neighborhood... if you can't do anything else. Put it in your schedule to be active.... Just DO SOMETHING.
  • CBreysach
    CBreysach Posts: 6 Member
    There are always ups and downs (just came off a bad week myself). Even if something happens and you can't exercise (been there) try to stay strong and watch what you eat. Then when your body's ready again exercise. Another hint even if you can't get back out there and run or really exeercise hard try to keep moving someway: shake your booty while cooking or arm dance maybe even sit ups anything that is physically possible until you can get back on track but most important DON'T SAY WHAT THE HECK AND EAT!!!! Just my advice
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    thanks everyone, I am trying to get myself back on the wagon. I just feel lost, i read these weight lost book and diets, but that is not what i am useto, so i try to just modify what i and not keep too much junk in the house, i also have a preteen with a weight problem but when there are two other without a weight problem that can eat a cow and look like a pole, my son and i get stuck. I will start to try to log in and exerise today. Thank everyone once again.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Just begin and keep beginning each day!