Diet Blogs

I see a lot of great information on this site and others about diets. I started on a diet last August and have had a lot of success and some set backs. I was talking to my wife the other day and she suggested I write down the tips and learnings that we have had on our diet journey. There is just so much confusion and junk science out there that we thought it would be good to document what has worked at least for us.

We decided to call our blog the YOLO diet because we have focused on a philosophy of dedication and knowledge that allows us to make progress. And of course, the YOLO thing makes me think of my children and family, which has been a major driver in the hard work of dieting.

When I started on my diet I had type 2 diabetes and was beginning to have high blood pressure. I still have a ways to go on my diet, but a few weeks ago my doctor told me that I didn't have to take glucotrol anymore. I have lost over 75 pounds since I started last August. I would like to lose at least another 25 pounds and of course now the challenge becomes of keeping the weight off.

I look forward to discussing tips with you and check out my blog and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions on my YOLO diet journey.