
fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey!!!! Where is everyone??????
I couldn't find a post for today's weigh in, so started one myself. If there's another, let me know!!

The family weekend was GREAT!!! Of course, my scale doesn't think so! :noway:

Have been totally craving salt which is so unlike me..........any ideas?? That probably accounts
for the weight gain as didn't get in enough water this weekend either.:grumble:

Missed our group and daily posts.........looking forward to everyone checking in and getting
back on track!



  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I just found this post, so here's a bump and I will be back to copy my log in over here!
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I ended up with a total of 10 lbs lost (i lost 2 lbs before I started MFP) so I lost 5 pounds this week!!!! I'm sure it was cause TOM left and I ate very well all weekend! Sure enough I stepped on the scales yesterday morning and I was 5 lbs lighter than last week! I already went and got my first new outfit! I am leaving for the beach saturday, for 8 whole days, so, I decided to just get shorts and a tank top. I took it easy on his wallet since he was taking me to the beach afterall! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    just to let you know, i wont be weighing in for the next 2 weeks. i was becoming too obsessed with the scales so i thought it was best to take a break

    good luck everyone! i'll be back in two weeks!

  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hello all -
    I was only down a pound this week, so i am going to amp it up for the next week, can't wait to see the 250's and be out of the the 260's. I will make better food choices and go back to walking 2-3 times a day. This last week i only took one walk a day, most days, and didn't eat as healthy, although i stayed under my calories and some days didn't eat all my exercise calories.
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    thanks for the tip queenie!!!

    did everyone else find us??? :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Ok...I just found you guys! I was off thursday-friday for my 'weekend' and went away with the fiance and I fell off the wagon :( I dont know what happened, I think it was probably just me being stressed and eating my feelings because I tend to do that but yeah...not the best choices were made!

    the part that annoyed me the most was that I was all set to work out each morning I was away and when I dragged myself out of bed Thursday morning at 5:30 am and got all dressed and ready to run it turned out I had left my running shoes sitting by the door at my house....2 hrs away :( I was definately disappointed because both hotels we were staying at had amazing fitness faciliities adn I was looking forward to using something different for a couple days!

    Ok...so sorry to have vented all that to you guys but I feel a little better. I am looking forward to a fresh start and getting ready for my wedding next year!!!
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone, I just found it.
    I have been doing horrible!!! I weighed myself the other day (cause I knew I wasn't doing so well) and I'm back up I gained 3 lbs!!!!:cry:
    But instead of quitting I'm still here, I started working out again yesterday, i know, I fell off the wagon! But I am def. trying to get back up. I'll be back on - on a new post I suppose - to weigh in on Monday. Hopefully I can atleast lose these 3 lbs and be back to where I was. I'll take extra though!! :wink:

    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 - 125.5
    7/27 - 124
    8/03 - 122.5
    8/10 - 122.5
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 5.5
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Morning my friends! :flowerforyou:

    Glad everyone found this post.......I'll leave it for someone else to start coming Monday
    so I don't screw it up again!! :tongue:

    Haven't checked in cuz don't want to face myself or tell others.........STRESS EATING!:grumble:
    I think I do this when things get really bad at work, not so much at home. DH understands
    what I go through, he does the same. We both start reaching for the carbs and comfort food.
    Had a long talk last nite, decided we both need to get back on track (again) so while he's at
    work today, the boys and I are going to the market and restocking on fruits, veggies, whole
    grain, water, etc. In the long run, eating is better than what I used to do to myself.......drinking....
    used to have 64oz of vodka on the rocks coming home every night...and sometimes two. :tongue:
    I'm going to REALLY TRY to make exercise my vice(addiction) instead of food.

    Thanks for letting me vent........seems like a couple of us have had "one of those weeks"!

    Have a happy healthy day
    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    happy weekend folks!!!! :flowerforyou:

    anewday- keep on keeping on!! that scale has not been my friend either but dont give up!!:flowerforyou:

    i actually reluctantly stepped on the scale this am and i'm down 2lbs!! apparently i did in one week what i couldnt do in 2months!! hopefully this mean the stall is finally OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moving my ticker and it feels so good to be going the right way finally!!

    trying to have a cheat free weekend! today is baby shower day (i've planned for a gf of mine) so i'm packing a protein shake and cheese cubes to snack on there in case i get tempted!!! lots of candy and cute themed treats! lol going to have a big salad before i go tho so i wont be so muchwoot!!!

    i HAVE to stay on track!!! i'm going to see the BF again in nov and in dec so i've got to do this!!! cant be all talk on my end and then no visible changes!!! i'm motivated!! thank u all for keeping me inspired and motivated!!!! dont stop posting guys!!:flowerforyou:

    positive thought: think i sent this one before but is a good reminder!

    It's The Journey That's Important
    By John McLeod

    "Life, sometimes so wearying
    Is worth its weight in gold
    The experience of traveling
    Lends a wisdom that is old
    Beyond our 'living memory'
    A softly spoken prayer:
    "It's the journey that's important,
    not the getting there!"
    Ins and outs and ups and downs
    Life's road meanders aimlessly?
    Or so it seems, but somehow
    leads us where we need to be,
    and being simply human
    we oft question and compare....
    "Is the journey so important
    or the getting there?"
    And thus it's always been
    that question pondered down the ages
    by simple men with simple ways
    to wise and ancient sages....
    How sweet then, quietly knowing
    Reaching destination fair:
    "It's the journey that's important,
    not the getting there!"

    have a great healthy, well eating weekend!!!

    P.S. where's mrsP??????
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey!!!! Where is everyone??????
    I couldn't find a post for today's weigh in, so started one myself. If there's another, let me know!!

    The family weekend was GREAT!!! Of course, my scale doesn't think so! :noway:

    Have been totally craving salt which is so unlike me..........any ideas?? That probably accounts
    for the weight gain as didn't get in enough water this weekend either.:grumble:

    Missed our group and daily posts.........looking forward to everyone checking in and getting
    back on track!


    Pam, i find cheddar cheese snack cubes really help my salt cravings!! i get those too!!

    sorry to hear about ur stress eating! i'm usually a sweet stress eater- so i eat lots of sweets! i've found that by lowering my carb intake over the last few weeks my cravings all around (sweet and salt) have been diminished.... except the usual TOM ones. lol..... maybe that might help too, i'm at about 50g of carbs per day now :flowerforyou:
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have lots to accomplish as i am headed out of town next week for a couple months to take care of my house that is out of state.

    Classic c - have a great baby shower, sounds like a good plan to avoid the not so good for you food! For me it is all about planning and i do so much better.

    Pam - was that a typo - 64oz of vodka? I hope so! Exercise is a much better addiction! Sounds great, stocking up on veggies and fruit. I would be doing the same if i wasn't leaving town for so long.

    Anewday- great attitude, keep at it, I have heard the less you have to lose, the harder it is, but you can do it!

    Maddiebabe- that stinks about forgetting your running shoes, hope you enjoyed your weekend anyways though.

    Just got back from a walk with the kiddo, she is down for a nap. I can tell walking is getting easier carrying her, i am sure it will be time to change up my work outs soon so i can keep losing weight!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Queenie...nope..no typo.....certifiable lush:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    ClassiC......woohoo!!! u go girl!!! :flowerforyou:

    well, the salt craving has seemed to pass..........went to the market today, stocked up
    on healthy. will use tomorrow to prep my veggies and cook some chicken and halibut
    for the week.

    u guys are my world.........INSPIRATION!! :love:

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    thanks Pam & queenie :flowerforyou:

    baby shower went great!! everyone had a good time!! woot!! and i was too busy too eat:laugh: worked out great!! my cheat free weekend actually happened too!! LOL!! :drinker:

    who will be the brave soul to start our thread tomorrow? lol... i'm horribly technologically challenged... lol....

    where's mrsP????:frown:
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