Help with Motivation

I did really good with MFP for about 3 months and lost about 10 pounds but seem to have gotten off track. I was injured and got a pinched nerve in my back and was not able to exercise for awhile. Since then I cannot get motivated to do anything. What do I need to do to get back the motivation? I tend to eat out alot since it is only my husband and I. Please help. Anything to get me back to keeping up with my calorie counts and weight loss again. Desperate grandmother.


  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    First, OUCH! Pinched nerves hurt! What was your motivation the first time you started on MFP? Perhaps a mini goal will help, something like logging every day for a month. Making some new friends to get you going? Or maybe a physical goal to achieve?
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    what do you like to do for fun?
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    First, the pep talk. Get off your *kitten* and do this. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and live a good quality of life.

    Now the plan. Start with the easy stuff. One step at a time. Make it a goal to take a walk in the morning to enjoy the air. Go to the mall and walk around people watching. Get on that antiquated bicycle and bike around a little. 15 minutes a day to start with the goal to bump it every week or every 2 weeks by 5 minutes until you hit 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.

    For the food, log it. You'll watch it better if you log it. And if you are going out a lot, learn what you can eat. That chicken sierra has way less calories than that prime rib.

    Take care!!