Body Pump

I do body pump a couple times a week at 24hr but the workout isnt in here so I don't know how many calories im burning, anyone do body pump??


  • amdavies
    amdavies Posts: 24 Member
    Body pump is quoted by the company as being 600 calories but when I wear a heartrate monitor I usually clock up around 300-400.
  • pudsney
    pudsney Posts: 8 Member
    I have been using the circuit traing Numbers for my pump class
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    Body pump is quoted by the company as being 600 calories but when I wear a heartrate monitor I usually clock up around 300-400.

    Are these numbers closer to your circuit training numbers in the MFP exercise database or strength training? I am not sure how to log in body pump!
  • jmoneycgt
    jmoneycgt Posts: 80 Member
    Really the best way is to get a heart rate monitor. It can vary pretty wildly. I guess it is closest to circuit training, but their estimate is pretty high to me. I personally burn from 350-450 depending on how hard I push myself.