Women with IUD birth control...



  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    While it is effective, I suggest you thoroughly research it before making a decision. I had a Paraguard inserted for 5 yrs and developed copper toxicity....too many symptoms to name now. Google Copper toxicity and IUD and you will find many forums with women who have suffered from the same condition. Most GYNs try to downplay the frequency of these occurences but if you are in the minority percentile, as was I, you will find comfort to know you are not alone. Good Luck!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Whooa at first I thought the title said IED.
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    Alright, that's so awesome, glad people responded. Got mine a few months ago,

    Question though, I think when I go to check the strings and I can at least feel one (they said they often wrap around and feel like one instead of two)... but I swear there is kind of a lump there that didn't used to be? I mean I don't normally explore so maybe I am wrong and it doesn't hurt or anything at all. Idk, anyone heard of this?

    my strings were really long and visible from outside, went to a and e, wondering what it was and they said its fine, 6 months later when i went to gyanecologist to have it taken out and he was horrified they had been left so long, they were actually jagging me when i sit down! any worries go to your family planning clinic if you guys have them over there x
  • knackarsch
    knackarsch Posts: 53
    I had Mirena inserted 6 weeks after having my daughter. As soon as my postpartum bleeding ended my Mirena bleeding began. I bled non-stop for almost 8 months, experienced a lot of discomfort and cramps, and gained a lot of weight. I think the hormones also contributed to postpartum depression and lack of libido, though BC never agreed with me. I could feel the strings poking me because they were so rigid for the first 6 months or so. If I sat down quickly or in an awkward position I could feel the device inside me, and it ranged from a mild pressure to a fingernail scratch to a sharp cramp. I coudn't even cross my legs because of the internal shifting. Every single bad thing went away immediately as soon as it was removed, including the postpartum depression. I'm still working on the weight gain.

    ETA - my doctor also told me that Mirena was only safe if you are in a monogamous relationship, and I found out the hard way why this is true. If you catch a venereal disease from a wandering partner, it can turn a mild infection into something really scary and painful, because the infection can travel right up the device into your uterus and fallopian tubes. Wish I'd known better and got out of that relationship sooner, Come to think of it, maybe the infection was the source of some of that discomfort, but the drs kept telling me to give Mirena time! Great.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I had it and then had it removed within the first 3 months. It was annoying because I could feel it and my husband could feel it when we were intimate. I went in and had the strings cut shorter and we still had issues so I took it out and used the ring for 5 yrs. That worked out great for me. Now I use nothing since the husband got snipped.
  • MzRawkqueen
    I had Mirena inserted back in November and had to have it removed a week later. My body just rejected it. VERY badly. I was writhin in pain for an hour at the gyno's office before I could go home.

    I have migraines with halo's once in a while, so the IUD was suggested as a safer option than the Pill. Thankfully, all I had to deal with after this drama, was 6 months of heavy bleeding, then I was back to normal.

    Happy to say I'm back on the pill now :)
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    LOVE it for its effectiveness.


    - More intense cramps
    - WAAAY heavier bleeding for me. Sorry if its TMI but I've had a couple of embarrassing moments since getting it when I never had that problem before.

    I think all in all it's worth it though...and very cost effective and convenient. I use non-hormonal BTW which is why I have it.