Need to VENT (and maybe a hug)



  • raerae514
    raerae514 Posts: 171 Member
    It happens! but it doesn't mean the end! You can do it! And for your boyfriend.... The first time he mentions how great you look , say , Oh I must have been doing something right after all huh? :P Do this for yourself dear :)

    ^ love this! thank you!
  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    I do this too, some days I do great and others...not so much. I am trying to get out of the "oh well I blew it so what's the point?" mindset. I have stopped and restarted this new lifestyle so many times I am tired of talking about it and no one believes me anymore anyway, lol. However, life is going to happen, cook outs, birthdays, holidays. will happen and you should be able to enjoy them. Ask yourself, am I eating healthy most of the time? Am I working out, moving more? You are making more progress than you realize just by being aware of your activity and food.
    So two pounds came on really fast!! You caught them now, so you can take them off just as fast as they came on. Maybe even faster! Drink lots of water go take a walk and just breath.
    My husband isn't very supportive either, god bless him he doesn't know exactly what I need to hear and he thinks because he is fit and and can eat what he wants and drop weight quickly when he needs to I should be able to as well, if I do it his way. That doesn't work for me. Just remember, this is YOUR Journey, YOUR life, do whatever you need or want to do that will help you get to your goals. When you workout remember it's YOUR workout, YOUR plate when you eat. It's all about YOU.
    Anyway, drink your water get those 2 pounds off (which I'm sure will come off quickly) and forget them and forgive yourself. Now I'm off here for my Dad's birthday lunch...I'm not even going to try to be "good" however I have the rest of the week to eat healthy and I am def. going to excerise, furthermore I am staying away from that scale!!! Lol, hope your day gets better. Stop beating yourself up.