24lb / 28lb to lose....


I have the above weight to lose. I go to the gym 4/5 times a week & eat well 5 days out of 7, easing up at wkends but not going totally crazy.

I do my own gym sessions where I do:

15 mins cross trainer
10 / 12 mins running machine - HIIT
15 mins back & tummy exercises
Upper body weights on an exercise ball
Step ups with weights

I do cardio once a week in form of either areobics or body combat.
I do a 45min spin class
I do a cicruits class designed for losing weight
I do a body pump class

So realistically I think my exercising is quite good. Im not too keen on doing the gym myself but I make myself use the cardio machines once a week for some variety & so I am not stuck to rigid class timetables. I do loads of leg work in the classes so I dont focus on them too much when doing my own thing.

Im going to open up my diary - if anyone has any realistic suggestions I would love to hear them. I know I lose weight slowly, im not looking for a quick fix but I want to continually lose to keep my spirits up & motiavate me. I only weigh myself every 2 or 3 weeks so Im driven crazy by the numbers!