Couch to 5k and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred?

I am on level 2 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and am thinking of starting the couch to 5k program to get a bit more exercise in. However, I am super sore after a 2 mile jog/walk yesterday. Will this soreness go away?? Or should I stick to just one?


  • kizmax
    kizmax Posts: 12
    it will go away its just your muscles telling you they feel it !! same happened to me .. maybe have one day no running a rest day, just do the 30 day shred then add the running in every other day & build it up ...
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    I started doing both on 6/4/12. I was really sore at the beginning, but I'm not sore anymore. I ran 3 days last week and did the 30 DS every day. I start week 2 of running tomorrow.
  • prisy13
    prisy13 Posts: 4 Member
    I wouldn't do 30 day shred every day, even though the video says to do it. When I was doing a cardio/wieght training bootcamp class with a certified NASM trainer he said not to work the same muscles every day (especially when doing a total body workout like 30 day shred is). You need a rest day in between from weight training so your muscles can repair. Otherwise you run the risk of over doing it and hurting yoursef. I would do the video every other day and then on your "off" days, just do cardio like power walking or jogging for the most effective weight loss. You will be sore now and then but that is a god sign. It means you are pushing your body to new limits. As long as it isn't muscle strain, keep pushing through the soreness. You will see the payoff.

    BTW, I did 12 weeks of this trainer bootcamp. It was one hour sessions 3 days a week. The exercises incorporated many of Jillians exercises from levels 2 and 3.