New moms out there!!!

I have an 8 month old daughter and have been trying to lose weight to set a good example for her :) However, I have found that trying to lose weight with a baby is A LOT harder then it was pre-kiddo! Any other new moms out there want to connect???? I am looking for a group of folks to connect with who actually use the app! Seems like a lot of my friends aren't very active on here!!!


  • solaryellowtj
    solaryellowtj Posts: 27 Member
    feel free to add me! I have a 9 month old and am trying to get in better shape so I can keep up with her as she's starting to learn how to walk too! (Yikes!) I am on here every day although the past few days I have had to take a break from working out thanks to my knee. I will hopefully be back in full force soon though!
  • bensmom912
    bensmom912 Posts: 12
    You can add me! I have a 9mth old son and I find it's a challenge to eat right when I am always chasing him around :) I think they need to add that to their exercise database!! I am on here almost everyday and would love the extra help and support. My biggest problem is that I can barely eat my daily calories or even my exercise ones...This weight loss mission has been hard but I keep plugging along. I lost 110 lbs(feb 2010-feb 2011)then found out I was preggo so that slightly derailed my goals but not to much as I did go to the gym 5 days a week while preggo. The hardest has been since I had him..I usually am catching food on the fly and it hasn't always been the greatest of food choices...My goal now is to get healthy and set a good eating example for my son. So I would love to help and be helped out!!
  • watermorg
    watermorg Posts: 7
    Add me! I just signed up today, but I have an 11 week old baby girl! I lost all my pregnancy weight a week after I had her, but I still need to lose all the extra weight from before I pregnant. I really need help staying motivated!
  • Code2fornow
    Code2fornow Posts: 56 Member
    My sons are 26 months and 11 months!! You can add me- I'm just now getting to a point where they are managable and I can try to work out. I just started Chalean Extreme yesterday and will be working around my nap schedules on my days off !! Good luck~ We can do this!!!
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    I am also a new mom to a 7 month and and a SAHM. Please feel free to add me :)
  • Breezy415
    Breezy415 Posts: 54 Member
    My little guy will be 3 months on the 16th (I also have a 4 year old and a 7 year old).....I've lost all my pregnancy weight, plus an additional 17lbs....BUT I still have 62lbs to go until I reach my goal!
  • erinmorgan
    erinmorgan Posts: 288 Member
    I would love to add new friends on here for support. My husband and I are adopting a newborn boy who is due 7/31. I am anxious about my weight loss and/or maintaining after baby is born. I won't have the pregnancy weight but I am so stressed out about the whole thing right now I feel like I am eating for two anyway!! Hopefully I can be in this group even though we don't have baby yet??
    I would love to do this together!!