To Quote Aerosmith: "I'm BAAAACK in the saddle again..."

So, it's been approximately 6 weeks since I posted on here or went to the gym. At first, I didn't feel too badly about not going to the gym since I spent about 3 weeks doing a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of time outdoors doing both work & recreational activities including:

- Tearing down a 10' x 20' deck piece by piece with a pry-bar & hammer
- Re-building a 10' x 20' deck in the hot HOT sun
- 4 rounds of golf (all cart!)
- and several 2-5 km hikes through the mountains

Then, I got back to reality...which - unfortunately - included weird hours of work, lots of friends in from out of town (which means crappy food and lots of beer) and no trips to the gym.

Just these last couple of weeks though, I've really started to feel like "a fat sack of crap"...ha ha! I could tell I'd gained some weight back, but I really didn't know how much. Today, I took the plunge and attempted to get back into a routine: I took a healthy lunch to work and WENT TO THE GYM! I stepped on the scale, dreading the number that would pop up; the last time I weighed in (on June 23) I was 263lbs. Today's number: 267lbs.

Honestly, not as bad as I thought it would be but still the "wrong direction".

So, here I am...back logging my food and back at the gym. And making an attempt to get back in the right direction.

Thanks for reading :)

Jeff @ YEG