Finished Couch to 5K!!!! Now what?!?!?



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I recently finished c25k and in the same situation as the OP. I consolidated 5k running by making it a minimum distance when i run and keep upping the distance and/or time.

    I was going to try bridge to 10k and downloaded the app, but I ran my first 10k a week or so after I ran my first 5k, and aiming to run 10k once a week, or just over as I also want to increase how LONG I run for as well as distance.

    I think it's up to you..if you want to train for distance and endurance, then look at running 10k and beyond..or if you would rather work on speed, then work on speed...either way, a HUGE congratulations to you for finishing c25 and wanting to continue running!!
  • bratleen
    bratleen Posts: 60 Member
    To work on speed, my training group does track workouts on a 1/4 mile 2 laps for a warm up at either a quick walk or slow jog...then stretch a little...and then go--run one lap fast--not an all out sprint, but fast enough that you know you can't go more than one lap, if you have a stop watch time yourself for the quarter mile...brisk walk/slow jog a quater mile and then fast run a quarter mile...repeat this a few times...(try for a total of 4 laps fast 4 recovery) and then walk 2 laps for a cool down...that will give you a 1 mile fast, and 2 miles at slow jog/fast walk.
  • morandanny
    morandanny Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the advice and encouragement. Based on some suggestions that I receieved, I am re-doing C25K but doing everything faster (running faster on the run parts and joging instead of walking on the walk parts, but still doing the 5 minutes warm up and cool down walks at a walking pace.

    Did the first one today and that went well.