Eating Dinner 1st or Exercising 1st



  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Personal preference, neither way is "better."


    Personally I exercise later in the evening (after 7:30) and don't want to eat afterwards, so I eat around 5:30 and give myself time to digest before I exercise. Puking on the treadmill is not recommended.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I do it both ways, depending on my mood. Exercise when you'll do it...bottom line.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    LOL...after seeing all the variations that people post


  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Either. I eat dinner first and then do exercise last. It helps me sleep better. It sometimes means I need another light recovery snack if I do a strenuous workout. But I have my go-to's -- protein shake or peanut butter or kefir.
  • GeoJenna223
    GeoJenna223 Posts: 68 Member
    IMHO: Don't exercise hungry, but don't eat a big meal right before. If you are hungry before you want to start your walk, eat a light snack and drink some water.
    I don't like to eat big meals before I exercise because if I do, I get nauseous. I also don't like to exercise hungry because then I am distracted while I am exercising.

    PS: The answer to this question really is whatever works best for you, there is no right or wrong answer and there is no real impact on your metabolism (per licenced nutritionist)
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I tend to exercise before I eat dinner just because I can't move after I eat and it makes me sick if I exercise after.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    The Mayo Clinic weighs in on this topic at

    The bottom line at the end of the article says everyone is different and you should pay attention to your body.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    Walk first, it increases your metabolism and helps to burn more of the calories that you eat

    Exercise may boost your metabolism, but you will still burn calories regardless of when you eat. Calories in vs. calories out. That's it.

    I say do what works best for your schedule and how you feel.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Walk first, it increases your metabolism and helps to burn more of the calories that you eat


    Um, I don't know if I would say walking has a big impact on your metabolism afterwards.
    Now weight training, that's another story. Your metabolic rate does increase with weight training and therefore eating after that would help burn more of the calories.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    if i was going to walk at like 7pm, i'd eat first.. but if i was exercising at like 7pm, i'd eat dinner at like 530 or so or before if possible. i prefer to work out on an empty stomach but walking isn't that big a deal, imo.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Which is best to do first, have dinner or walk on my treadmill? I thought it would be walk first, but my husbamdsays I shouldhave dinner and then walk..... What to do?????

    My motto is "if it works for you, use it". Consumption to Deficit ratio won't be any different either way...........
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Doesn't matter. Since walking is low-impact, you shouldn't have stomach issues if you eat before your walk. If you were running or doing something high-impact, I would say you should give yourself an hour to digest first.

    Oh, and walking/eating doesn't change your metabolism... You can't make short-term changes to your metabolism over the course of a day.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    If you are just walking at low pace, eat first. It helps with digestion. If you are doing a proper metabolic/strength workout, I would eat a small snack before for some quick energy, and then eat a big meal after. My reasons are, IMAO:

    - You don't want to feel heavy and sluggish.
    - You don't want to throw up.
    - Your muscles need protein after you work out to help rebuild and prevent DOMS/Soreness from setting in.
    - You can *kinda* get away with eating "bad" carbs after you work out, because your muscles need some sugar to help get the protein into your muscles as glycogen. That being said, don't down a bread bowl of pasta alfredo just because you did 100 push ups. If you are a Paleo/low carb person, and you want to be in Ketosis, disregard this part and flame me on PM's.

    Personally, I like to eat a handful of nuts and ~1 oz of dried fruit about a half-hour before I work out and, when I get back, I down a protein shake and eat some tuna/ small portion of grilled fish and some fruit. I usually eat my main meal (dinner) about 3 to 4 hours later. I usually walk the dog after I finish dinner because A) it helps with digestion and B) it gives me some time to let the food settle and "fullness" to set in so I don't overeat.

    Again, just my opinion...
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    I have found no difference with working out before eating... I have tried over and over the workout before breakfast/eating and didn't see any difference...

    I would say if you can say you're gonna work out for 40 mins do 20 before and 20 after... I found that when I walked to get something to eat and walked home it was generally like I ate nothing I lost weight... Someone posted a link to a japense study that says working out soon after eating rather than waiting hours is more beneficial and from personal exprience I believe there is some truth to that...

    So id say after..