Score - Weekend (O) Jessica (1)! 2 Rounds to go!

Ok, so the weekends are always hard for me, with family and friend activities. Well last night my boyfriend made his yummy chicken wings (they are the best ever)! Even though they are baked and he doesn't use butter in the sauce they are still fairly high in calories. So I figured out the calorie content, which was 540 calories for 10 wings and then worked it into my calories for the day.

I started getting pretty hungry before the wings were done and the brain stared saying "Ah, don't worry about it, just eat as many wings as you want. It's only one meal. I was going back and forth and then I made a good decision. So I wouldn't be so tempted when the wings were done I started eating the carrot and celery sticks that were out.

Well, by the times the wings came out I was actually full enough on veggies that I only ate 8 wings and was stuffed!

Then, when the wine was openend I was really good and limted myself to 2 glasses!

By the end of the night I was only 60 calories over my limit.

So, round one goes to me!

Today I'm having high tea with some friends... fresh baked scones, cream, pastries...

I've already looked up the calorie content and planned my other meals accordingly so I'm still within my calories..

Give me strenght to win round two and only have one scone and one pastry! :smile:


  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Ok, so the weekends are always hard for me, with family and friend activities. Well last night my boyfriend made his yummy chicken wings (they are the best ever)! Even though they are baked and he doesn't use butter in the sauce they are still fairly high in calories. So I figured out the calorie content, which was 540 calories for 10 wings and then worked it into my calories for the day.

    I started getting pretty hungry before the wings were done and the brain stared saying "Ah, don't worry about it, just eat as many wings as you want. It's only one meal. I was going back and forth and then I made a good decision. So I wouldn't be so tempted when the wings were done I started eating the carrot and celery sticks that were out.

    Well, by the times the wings came out I was actually full enough on veggies that I only ate 8 wings and was stuffed!

    Then, when the wine was openend I was really good and limted myself to 2 glasses!

    By the end of the night I was only 60 calories over my limit.

    So, round one goes to me!

    Today I'm having high tea with some friends... fresh baked scones, cream, pastries...

    I've already looked up the calorie content and planned my other meals accordingly so I'm still within my calories..

    Give me strenght to win round two and only have one scone and one pastry! :smile:
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    That's awesome, good for you. I always try to look things up to before, so I am prepared. Yesterday we went to my mom' s for dinner and I very good but did have 2 small glasses of Mudslides. They are so good but WOW, so many calories. I was blown away when I input everything this morning. Oh well. Only happens once every GREAT while so I am not beating myself up for it.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    :flowerforyou: YOU GOT IT!!!! you have managed to figure out where the problem lies and what to do about it. that is very cool. I know you will win round 2!!
  • alaskagal
    Knock'em out on Round 2! You can do it!
