for ese and if ppl only

mm38242: should i recalculate my numbers to 192 or leave them at 196.5?
jasmine saxton: Not sure u don't know if u will gain. I would wait a few days.
mm38242: that's what i was wondering
jasmine saxton: Yea maybe by wed then change it!?
mm38242: u think i'll gain it all back again?
jasmine saxton: U might. my bet would be at least half. How much did u lose last time then gain back?
mm38242: each time i lost 2.5. but i did it twice....and then i gained half back...that's why i was thinking doing it twice a week keep it at 2
mm38242: a week
mm38242: i was 195 when i did my second fast last week. was 194 when i started it yesterday.
jasmine saxton: idk! So was the fasting worth it the first time?
mm38242: what u mean?
jasmine saxton: Was it worth it? So u gained back everything but 1 lb?
mm38242: no no.....i gained all back but 4 actually....cuz i did two...was 198 when i did the first one. 195 when i did the second one a day later....and 194
jasmine saxton: K
mm38242: yesterday which was a week i actually kept 4 off total....from doing it
mm38242: something like that.....i had gotten down to 192.5 doing the two fasts... stayed at basically 194...said 195 but i was on my period all week
mm38242: so yes technically they were worth it....i don't averrage at 197 anymore...i average 3 lbs less...
mm38242: am i making sense? lol
jasmine saxton: Well if u want to its totally up to u! As long as it doesn't lead to an ed. I'm just worried that its not the healthiest way to lose weight, and that ur
jasmine saxton: body will start storing the food u do eat as fat cuz beacuse of the lack of food. Which my nutritionist told me today. I asked her on ur behalf cuz I'm w
jasmine saxton: orried. Yes ur making sense!
mm38242: yeah that's what most ppl will say....
mm38242: i think i'll wait this time see how it goes.....and then decide lol

ok so i just had this convo w a friend.....what is ur opinion? should i try twice a week or what?


  • zumba89
    zumba89 Posts: 82
    I don't do the ese but use the 16/8 windiow. With me it took 2 weeks to lose weight. I think that if you can give 2 month and see if you can loss weight. Your body will go up and down and if you give it 2 months then you can tell if you can keep it for the long hall. Do you think you can not weight yourself for one month? This way you can work on your ese, your workouts, and not so much about weight. I think stay with your goal and don't change.

    I hope I understood the post and this will help.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    I don't do the ese but use the 16/8 windiow. With me it took 2 weeks to lose weight. I think that if you can give 2 month and see if you can loss weight. Your body will go up and down and if you give it 2 months then you can tell if you can keep it for the long hall. Do you think you can not weight yourself for one month? This way you can work on your ese, your workouts, and not so much about weight. I think stay with your goal and don't change.

    I hope I understood the post and this will help.

    so u think i should stick w the once a week fast? and not go to two?
  • zumba89
    zumba89 Posts: 82
    I don't do the ese but use the 16/8 windiow. With me it took 2 weeks to lose weight. I think that if you can give 2 month and see if you can loss weight. Your body will go up and down and if you give it 2 months then you can tell if you can keep it for the long hall. Do you think you can not weight yourself for one month? This way you can work on your ese, your workouts, and not so much about weight. I think stay with your goal and don't change.

    I hope I understood the post and this will help.

    so u think i should stick w the once a week fast? and not go to two?

    Yeah for right know and then add another day in a few months.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    I don't do the ese but use the 16/8 windiow. With me it took 2 weeks to lose weight. I think that if you can give 2 month and see if you can loss weight. Your body will go up and down and if you give it 2 months then you can tell if you can keep it for the long hall. Do you think you can not weight yourself for one month? This way you can work on your ese, your workouts, and not so much about weight. I think stay with your goal and don't change.

    I hope I understood the post and this will help.

    so u think i should stick w the once a week fast? and not go to two?

    Yeah for right know and then add another day in a few months.

    ok sounds good. :)