Just starting!

I have decided to stop procrastinating and do something about it! All my life I have been able to eat what I want, and as much as I want, with very little impact on my body weight or shape. I am an active (almost hyper) type of person with a metabolism that has allowed me to do this. BUT (you knew this was coming) I am now starting to see the effects of pizza, chips and beer and an office job. I am still what other people call thin, but I could easily stand to lose 10-15 lbs.
I was shocked to weigh myself the other day (I rarely do) and find I am more than I have ever been, and I can't ignore my stomach either.
To cut to the chase, I am not aiming to lose weight as much as get back in shape. I know I will get one when I get the other.
I have started by cutting back portions, drinking more water, and am aiming to get a fitness routine in place and started this week.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought a 30-45 min brisk walk every day for the 1st week (did my first "power-walk" last night - sore this a.m, lol), and then work up to jogging. I have a treadmill, but will be outside if weather is nice enough.
Should I be thinking about an ab workout at this point, or is it too early ? I dont want to join a gym, or buy equipment. Comments?


  • Danmooch2012
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ab workouts can be done at any point. I love them. You should be working to gain muscle to get tone. You will love the way your body looks. No equipment needed. Just use your own body weight for this. Push-ups, chin-ups, lifting cans of food, etc. Think of opportunities to lift.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Do you own a set of weights? Building muscle will help burn fat and change your body composition more than lose weight. Your abs will pop when your body fat composition changes. As for cardio, work up to intervals. intervals.net has a bunch of interval workouts to choose from. Good luck to you!:smile:
  • Danmooch2012
    Ab workouts can be done at any point. I love them. You should be working to gain muscle to get tone. You will love the way your body looks. No equipment needed. Just use your own body weight for this. Push-ups, chin-ups, lifting cans of food, etc. Think of opportunities to lift.

    Yes, I am starting with sit-ups and push-ups. What is a good routine? How many/often? I don't want to overdo it, hurt myself and then end up quitting....!
  • Danmooch2012
    sorry - shameless self-bump
    Any comments on sit-up sets/routines? Any other ideas?