Any Paleo/Weston Price People Out There?

Hey all, I'm new to the forums and wondering if there are any people pursuing weight loss and health the way I currently am. Summer of 2011 I went to see my GP (Fam Doctor) and found out I had very bad numbers; high LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. A low fat diet did nothing to rectify this situation- although my overall cholesterol was slightly lower as were triglycerides, the LDL was still way too high in reference to HDL cholesterol. The doctor assured me if I continued my low fat diet things would get better; my dry, greying hair, acne ridden/rashy skin and horrible low energy level left me wondering if something about this low fat diet just wasn't right for me...I felt worse than I ever have in my life and ballooned up another 30 lbs.!

I did some research and decided to give up gluten, which helped my digestion tremendously. I am trying to eat a diet high in fats of all varieties (minus trans) along with plenty of protein and only sprouted grains/beans. I do have dairy, fermented dairy preferably. I am feeling better, less bloated, more energy, but I realized I was eating a few too many calories (it's easy to do with unlimited access to fat).

I joined this forum to watch my carb intake (I'd like to stay less than 100g/day) and also my overall caloric load. Anyone else doing this type of a diet? I'd be interested to swap ideas.

:) Lindsay


  • kristank03
    kristank03 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Lindsay! We generally follow the Weston Price diet principles. Focusing on local, whole foods, raw dairy and sprouted/soaked grains. I'm still working on getting fermented foods in our diet! And I'm having a hard time giving up my protein shakes. :(
  • Hey! Thanks for adding me as a friend. It must be tough trying to follow the WAP principles with a whole family to worry about- I know I struggle with it plenty and it's just me!!! How do you do with sprouting grains? I haven't started that yet- I am having a hard time with that because it requires so much planning ahead.
  • pupu4two
    pupu4two Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ladies!
    I'm a returning member of myfitnesspal and wondering how the Weston Price diet is working for you within this site? Are you able to stay in your calorie intake limit while being on WP?
  • grads22
    grads22 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband and i are attempting Paleo- it's not easy with 2 small kids. But we are just new to it ( 2 weeks) we'll see how it goes
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Yes! Not paleo, as I believe in eating properly prepared grains in moderation (though I struggle with the moderation part) but definitely follow the Nourishing Traditions/Weston Price guidelines as much as I can.

    I've got 1 1/2 more weeks till I finish the C25K running program, then I'm switching to heavy weightlifting with my DH and also getting back into reducing my carbs, increasing my healthy fats. I love the book "Eat Fat, Lose Fat" if you've read that one. I will probably have to up my calories a bit but that's okay, I'm going to try it and see how it goes.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I do mostly Primal. Paleo is a bit more strict so I stay away from that.

    My cholesterol and triglycerides have gone down in the last 8 months of doing it. The low fat BS is just that. Doesn't help a thing.
  • pupu4two
    pupu4two Posts: 2 Member
    Do you find you regularly go over your protein limits and under on your carbs? Do you try to go with the suggestions they set up for you on here as far as carbs/protein/fats go or do you disregard those and just focus on your calories?
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    low-carber at the moment and will transition into primal when goal weight is in reach. i absolutely love it--i'm super full all the time and i find it hard to reach my daily caloric intake. as a former carbivore, i thought this was nearly impossible. my fat and protein are way over what MFP recommends but i don't worry about that so much. however i do try to limit my sugar and carbs, and they have dropped tremendously. yes i'm counting carbs and calories for now to lose weight but i hope to get into the swings of all things primal and won't have to be counting so much once i'm at my ideal weight.