Trying to consistently stay at 1200 net calories but *gainin

neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone. My weight loss has been inconsistent - I lose and then gain, and then do it over again, all around the mulberry bush... *sigh*

I just realized it might be because I don't always eat enough net calories and/or because my net calories vary inconsistently. MFP tells me to have 1200 net calories, but most days I work out and burn about 300 - 500 (sometimes more) calories. So some days I am way under on net calories... around 930... whereas other days, like when I go out with friends and eat/drink too much, and especially if those are the days I don't work out, I'm way over on net calories... around 1600. I figured that would even out but instead I have weight gain and loss swings instead of consistent weight loss. :(

I've decided to do my very best to stay consistent and be right around 1200 net calories a day. Since I've started that though, I've gained 2 pounds! I feel like I'm eating a lot more than normal on the days where I have to eat my exercise calories... my stomach feels full and I have to think, "what should I eat next?" Is this normal? I'm hoping my body just needs to re-adjust and then I can stay at this healthy eating level for good *and* lose weight.


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I don't think you should eat when you're not hungry. As long as you're filling up on healthy calories, you don't need to stuff extra calories in. That's just my opinion though. :smile:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    For the first week or two, your body might retain those cals "in case" and then let them go. You might also try eating half of your exercise calories back for a few weeks, and see if that helps you lose and still keep dang close to that 1200 net.

    With the little amount of weight you have to lose, there's no way you'll lose a pound, or even half a pound, a week. Check your inches every few weeks, and how your clothes fit, that's where you'll see a bigger difference over the scale. Just have realistic expectations about how much weight you can lose, a pound a month would seriously be reasonable, although that's not something you want to hear. The less you have to lose, the harder it is, and as you've learned, if you do too low of cals, yes you'll lose the weight but you'll gain it right back - which is why diets don't work. Just find the balance for your body, it will take some trial and error, but you will find it (give yourself 2 weeks or more to see how your body adjusts to your caloric intake) and then you'll know your magic number. Good luck!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks guys. At the moment I have about 13 to 15 pounds to lose, depending on the day b/c my scale jumps around so much, which seems like "a lot" to me. I haven't been able to get this extra weight off. (My profile picture is from when I was at my lowest weight and training a lot for mountain trail runs and marathons etc.) I am learning to stay patient and consistent.

    I have realized that for most of my life I've filled up on junk. Also I've realized that I can easily fill up on a 1,000-or-more calorie meal (including appetizers, entree, drinks, maybe even dessert) but when it comes to spacing out 1,000 *healthy* calories over the course of a day (not including evening dinner which is usually something like chicken and veggies), I have a really hard time doing it and I feel too full. Well, I think that's because I'm not used to eating filling food. I mean, I am for awhile, but then I fall off the wagon and eat unhealthy junk. I can't tell you how often I have let this happen, it is depressing. :cry:

    I think the issue is that I'm too extreme... for one amount of time, I'll be super "good", maybe even dangerous, not eating enough calories, going on a crash diet, etc. And for another amount of time I just won't care and I'll eat whatever. So I think I really screwed up my metabolism. Even day to day lately I've seen I have inconsistency issues -- eating healthy and the right amount of calories one day, then saying "screw it, I've already eaten a breakfast burrito, guess I'll eat a burger" the next day!

    So I am just focusing on consistently eating healthy and around 1200 net calories (although BrendaLee, you're right, on days I work out *a lot* I shouldn't feel the need to eat a bunch of extra calories) and working out. I'm thinking of not looking at the scale for a week while I focus on doing this, and seeing what the results are later. You're right, adopt, I've noticed that my clothes are fitting better and I feel trimmer and I think I *look* trimmer, it's just not what the scale is telling me!

    Thanks for the support everyone.
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