Whole grain english muffin pizza with veggie galore!

My lil sister wanted pizza tonight so I made homemade pizza. :) english muffin with cheese, spinach, red orange and yellow peppers, spinach and tomatoes with chicken chopped up. Pretty creative eh? ;) Figured I'd share it with you guys! here is a picture for if you can't see it in my profile if your not friends with me.

http://tinypic.com/r/140dn3a/6 <

Recipie for how to make it:

- 1 english muffin whole grain. 110 cals if its aunt millies

- 3 mini bell peppers (or 4 if you have green) only 35 cals I believe

- half a cup of organic spinach 5 cals

- half tomato 15 cals I believe.

- 1 chicken tenderloin 90 cals (if your vegetarian or vegan feel free to skip this one)

- half 1/4 cup of cheese. (Unsure for cals, if your vegan feel free to substitute this with whatever works best for you)

Step 1:

Chop all vegetables except the spinach, unless its easier. Put in seperate plate or bowl.

Step 2: (Feel free to skip if vegan or vegetarian)

Cook chicken on skillet, no butter. Olive oil spray in a can works just as good. Cook until they have a brown type color on skin or however works best for you, once done put off on the side and maybe chop up ahead of time.

Step 3:

Toast the english muffin

Step 4:

Once done toasting start putting your ingredients on top, take the spinach if not already chopped and put it between both hands (CLEAN HANDS!) and rub the spinach between them till there “wrinkly”

Step 5:

Cook for 1 min ONLY, then your done! Put chicken on top and bite in. :) Have some veggies and fruit on the side. Yes I know it already has a lot of veggies, but when is there ever to much veggies? :p