Confused - Just Need Some Thoughts...

Thanks so much for checking out my post!

I hope I am not the only one wondering this, so I hope I get some positive insight rather than get bashed, ridiculed, or worse of all – insulted. But I just want to get some clarification. If your sole intent is to make fun of people on this site and tell everyone how you’re so much better than the rest of us, I’m asking politely that you please stop reading because it doesn’t really help any of us who are trying to make a better life by working hard to look and feel better about ourselves.

Now with that, here’s my situation:

I joined MFP about a year ago. Back then, I weighed right around 190lbs (I’m only 5’8” so I was VERY MUCH overweight). When I joined this site last year, I started out by basically ‘shocking’ my system and consumed around 1600 calories per day for a weekly deficit of over 2000 calories. IT WORKED! It took a mere 6 months for me to get to my target weight of 155 (thanks to everyone who supported me throughout my journey especially my beautiful wife Caroline)

In February of this year, I started the Rushfit program and only did the Strength and Endurance part. I have definitely seen an improvement in my overall looks, but throughout the process, I gained 10 lbs! My current weight is 165. I am still maintaining a daily goal of 1950 calories (which I know is not recommended especially when trying to build muscle mass). My waist actually is smaller now that it was when I started and according to my wife’s cousin who is a certified fitness trainer, my body fat % has significantly gone down. So I guess my question is, should I be discouraged by this? I know someone will yell at me and say “Muscle does not weigh more than Fat” or “Muscle is more dense – the more you have, the more weight it will bear” or “it’s only water weight”…

Anyway, just trying to figure out if I’m doing something wrong. For the record, I only exercise 3 times per week since I’m not looking to look muscular – my target is look leaner rather than larger. According to various sites, the program burns between 450 to 500 calories per session where I only record 281.

Thoughts on this?


  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    No yu are doing just right. Keep it up and don't get discouraged. The more muscle mass we have the better. Get rid of the fat and replace it with muscle. Way to go!!! Remember muscle burns more calories that fat does. Keep it up.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Sounds like you are doing it right. I'm not sure what you are basing your ideal weight off of, but not everyone is going to weigh the same at the same height. I wouldn't worry so much about the scale anymore. Stick with a slight caloric deficit and continue the program you're on. I'm not familiar with Rushfit to comment on the program specifically, but if it doesn't involve a heavy lifting program then I would suggest starting one.

    ETA: Just Googled RushFit. It did look like some weights were incorporated in there based on the video. I think you're doing ok.