How aggressive is your weight loss goal per week?



  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I have mine set to 1 lb a week and currently working out 120 minutes a day. Going to bed hungry the last three days, but I don't mind as I am trying to move forward from a plateua for the last 4-5 months.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    2lbs a week, calorie goal set @ 1780. Most days, I have a hard time making it past 1200-1300. When you're eating healthy, you can get a LOT of food for 1200 calories.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    1 pound/week. 1470 calories. i can't do the 1200 calorie thing.
  • jumpyjavajawa
    jumpyjavajawa Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in 1lb per week. I get 1600 a day but I get an extra 500 for breastfeeding so technically it's 2100 a day. I don't eat my workout calories, the BF calories help keep me unhungry.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    I've lost 18.5 pounds, it is currently the third week. So, that's pretty aggressive
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have it set for 1/2 pound because I try and eat at least 1200 but sometimes I go over a little....I don't like when it sounds bad because I'm just over 1200. I try and lose at least 2 pounds a week.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I lost the majority of mine at about a pound a week. I could have lost more but was not willing to lose muscle just to see the scale number change. I am now at about .5 per week with only 5 pounds to go. After the initial shock my body took from a restricted calorie diet I have not had many days where I felt hungry.
  • sabermax
    sabermax Posts: 69
    I am set at 1pound per week. I always come in lover. Have 90+ pounds to lose. Lost 4 pounds since last thursday. I also try to exercise a least 40-60min 3 times a week. The more you exercise, the more that you can eat. I could have had 1800 calories today, but came in at 1299. So I wish you well
  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    Mine is set at 2 lbs. I only recently started. After cutting out soda and other junk food, eating better and starting to exercise everyday I lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks. So if I have a day that I go over my calories I dont beat myself up to hard for it.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I think I just need to get it through my head that a little hunger is not a hardship - it is okay! It's worth the results.

    Hunger is NOT OK...your body is telling you something... I lost over 60lbs on between 1600 and 2000 cals a day - it took me a long time - lost it at an average of .4lbs a week....But guess what..
    It`s still off three years later, and I was never hungry.... I`m currently eating 2100 and more on high cardio days - don`t lose much weight, but have built a few nice muscles and lost tons of inches....
    Got take a look at the eat more to lose weight group - you might get a nice surprise....
    good luck

    Yeah, if you are hungry that is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel (if it's genuine hunger and not just an urge to munch when you're bored or something). Gotta work WITH your body- not against it!

    Or your body is saying, "I don't want to use this reserve fuel (body fat) anymore. I want to keep this fat on for the next famine and eat more tasty stuff now!" Sometimes you have to listen, sometimes you have to do the best thing for your body and that might be burning the fat for fuel because you know there is no famine coming and that you're overweight and it's bad for you.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I think I just need to get it through my head that a little hunger is not a hardship - it is okay! It's worth the results.

    Hunger is NOT OK...your body is telling you something... I lost over 60lbs on between 1600 and 2000 cals a day - it took me a long time - lost it at an average of .4lbs a week....But guess what..
    It`s still off three years later, and I was never hungry.... I`m currently eating 2100 and more on high cardio days - don`t lose much weight, but have built a few nice muscles and lost tons of inches....
    Got take a look at the eat more to lose weight group - you might get a nice surprise....
    good luck

    Yeah, if you are hungry that is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel (if it's genuine hunger and not just an urge to munch when you're bored or something). Gotta work WITH your body- not against it!

    Or your body is saying, "I don't want to use this reserve fuel (body fat) anymore. I want to keep this fat on for the next famine and eat more tasty stuff now!" Sometimes you have to listen, sometimes you have to do the best thing for your body and that might be burning the fat for fuel because you know there is no famine coming and that you're overweight and it's bad for you.

    See I disagree though. Just because you're overweight doesn't mean that your body's cues should be ignored. When you are overweight your body still has to work harder to run itself, and when you exercise your body is working even harder and burning more calories. You still need the proper amount of fuel. That's why an obese person's BMR is higher than a smaller person's. Depriving your body of the fuel it needs can lead to losing more fat but also to losing nutrients and other important things (and kill your metabolism and your energy). If you are still eating at a deficit from your maintenance calories, eating when you are hungry isn't a bad thing for weight loss. You can eat when you are hungry- the change is that you don't OVEReat and you eat healthier. You don't have to go hungry to lose weight and get healthy. Making yourself go hungry is an entirely sucky way to lose weight.
  • veganpoler
    veganpoler Posts: 50 Member
    Interesting discussion! Thanks for the input everyone!