exercise cals on maintenance

Hi Everyone

Just wondering if any body can shead some light on this for me, Im on maintenance (silly plateau so im trying it out) and just wondering if I should try to eat back my exercise cals? Im on 1650cal for maintenance - which is still slightly under my BMR worked out using body % etc but I feel comfortable on that and I burn 300 - 700 cals 6 times per week? I do a mix of cardio and weights?

Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    yes; always eat your exercise calories. (unless you use TDEE, which already includes them).

    EDIT: If that number is less than your BMR, it's not maintenance.

    BMR already contains a deficit of around 400-500 cals . . . so you are not on maintenance. If you don't eat the exercise cals, you are looking at almost 1000 cal deficit . . .

    Have you looked at the group EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS? There are stickies there that will help you understand your BMR and TDEE -- TDEE is maintenance.

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Hmm... if it is under your BMR then it is definitely NOT maintenance. Maintenance is the number of calories your body burns in a day in total. BMR is the amount of calories you body burns just by doing basic bodily functions... like breathing.
  • saram589
    saram589 Posts: 29 Member
    so maintenace should be my BMR plus my exercise cals?

    sorry to sound silly, im new to maintenance and calorie counting.

    I lost all my weight on weight watchers but want to learn more about healthy eatting now just counting points. so iv been calorie counting for a few weeks now