Calorie Issue

cnutbrown Posts: 80 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss is my problem....and I think it's because I am OCD about my calories during the day......and being able to have a snack after supper :ohwell:

I have a current allowance of 1200 cals a day and am doing One on One with Tony Horton burn like 500 cals a day...6 days a week. I have slowly learned to eat most of my exercise cals(so hard!!), but am so crazy worried about eating too many calories throughout the day and being hungry at supper and early evening that I don't think I eat enough during the day....I am usually only hitting 500-700 cals by supper and then have like 1000 cals to eat by bed....this causes me to eat too large of a dinner and snack in the evening :sad: i LOVE snacking in the evening :blushing: :blushing:

How the heck do I fix this....I think I need to change my mindset???? Would I lose faster if I didn't eat after supper??? That is my BIGGEST crutch....after supper snacking.... :explode: HELP.......


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    plan ahead. Create a schedule of when to eat and how many calories per meal. Take into account that you may be exercising that day. Then create a list of meals that fit these calorie goals. That's what I did, and I never ended up having a problem with eating enough.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    plan ahead. Create a schedule of when to eat and how many calories per meal. Take into account that you may be exercising that day. Then create a list of meals that fit these calorie goals. That's what I did, and I never ended up having a problem with eating enough.

    Did you eat all of your exercise calories? I am just beginning to graspe the whole reasoning behind eating your exercise calories. I haven't eaten all of them though. I guess it still scares me. I think what happened with me is that at first I wasn't working out and I lost the 50 lbs and then when I started working out I had to get in a total different frame of mind.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    plan ahead. Create a schedule of when to eat and how many calories per meal. Take into account that you may be exercising that day. Then create a list of meals that fit these calorie goals. That's what I did, and I never ended up having a problem with eating enough.

    Did you eat all of your exercise calories? I am just beginning to graspe the whole reasoning behind eating your exercise calories. I haven't eaten all of them though. I guess it still scares me. I think what happened with me is that at first I wasn't working out and I lost the 50 lbs and then when I started working out I had to get in a total different frame of mind.

    Yeah, I ate them all. Just remember, when you start working out (especially from a dead stop), your body incorporates more muscle fiber into activities, not only does this drastically increase your exercise endurance and muscle strength (people often see large increases in endurance and strength in the beginning of a new work out routine, with a plateau after about a month or 6 weeks), but it causes your body to store more glycogen, this means more weight, that's ok, it's natural and to be expected, you're not doing anything wrong, and you need this glycogen if you want to work out. Just take it in stride and you'll be fine, you'll start seeing weight loss again after a few weeks.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member is my problem....and I think it's because I am OCD about my calories during the day......and being able to have a snack after supper :ohwell:

    I have a current allowance of 1200 cals a day and am doing One on One with Tony Horton burn like 500 cals a day...6 days a week. I have slowly learned to eat most of my exercise cals(so hard!!), but am so crazy worried about eating too many calories throughout the day and being hungry at supper and early evening that I don't think I eat enough during the day....I am usually only hitting 500-700 cals by supper and then have like 1000 cals to eat by bed....this causes me to eat too large of a dinner and snack in the evening :sad: i LOVE snacking in the evening :blushing: :blushing:

    How the heck do I fix this....I think I need to change my mindset???? Would I lose faster if I didn't eat after supper??? That is my BIGGEST crutch....after supper snacking.... :explode: HELP.......

    Try logging your meals AND exercising in ahead. I sometimes do 4 and 5 days ahead. That way I KNOW exactly what I'm having for each meal and snack, ESPECIALLY my nighttime snack of Edy's slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough! :love:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I always plan ahead. Either sit down the night before or first thing in the morning and plan each meal and snack (and cheat). Sometimes I literally have to play with the componants like a jig saw puzzle to make it work. I plan for 6 meals/snacks ranging from 150 to 400 calories each. I never go more than 3 hours without eating some protein and fruit/veggie. I get healthy carbs after working out.

    I also have a two week general plan and do my grocery shopping based on that. I don't ever want to be at that point where i have nothing healthy to munch on, so I throw away my hard earned gains by running to 7-11 at midnight (an old habit of mine).

    ps: Me too, Bren...mine is Publix brand no sugar added Moose Tracks...:bigsmile:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    You gotta eat
    I can down 400 cals at b-fast alone....easy
    Try some adding to your meals or as snacks, string cheese, almonds, peanut butter......I would try to add 100 cals to each meal and 50 cals+ to snacks....

    Good luck...I wish I could eat some of your cals for ya:), Kim
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    plan ahead. Create a schedule of when to eat and how many calories per meal. Take into account that you may be exercising that day. Then create a list of meals that fit these calorie goals. That's what I did, and I never ended up having a problem with eating enough.

    Did you eat all of your exercise calories? I am just beginning to graspe the whole reasoning behind eating your exercise calories. I haven't eaten all of them though. I guess it still scares me. I think what happened with me is that at first I wasn't working out and I lost the 50 lbs and then when I started working out I had to get in a total different frame of mind.

    Yeah, I ate them all. Just remember, when you start working out (especially from a dead stop), your body incorporates more muscle fiber into activities, not only does this drastically increase your exercise endurance and muscle strength (people often see large increases in endurance and strength in the beginning of a new work out routine, with a plateau after about a month or 6 weeks), but it causes your body to store more glycogen, this means more weight, that's ok, it's natural and to be expected, you're not doing anything wrong, and you need this glycogen if you want to work out. Just take it in stride and you'll be fine, you'll start seeing weight loss again after a few weeks.

    I feel so much better since I started working out. I am addicted to it. I didn't think I would ever hear myself say that.:smile:

    I don't get on a scale anymore. I go by how my clothes are fitting me. When my trainer says it's time to weigh and measure me then we will. Also, I have cut out so MUCH processed foods. I am now reading a book about hormones and weight. There is so much I don't/didn't know. I am a sponge right now soaking up all this information and knowledge.

    Any suggestions are welcomed. I really love reading your threads and comments.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    ps: Me too, Bren...mine is Publix brand no sugar added Moose Tracks...:bigsmile:

    I never heard of THAT brand, but YA, Moose Tracks is pretty awesome! :love:
    Edy's has a no sugar added slow churned fudge tracks, which has tiny peanut butter cups. I just don't think the icecream tastes QUITE as good as their cookie dough does. I'm an icecream fanatic, and I really CAN'T tell that I'm eating "fake" icecream when I have the cookie dough! :love:
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