Having Trouble..

Any advice on how to keep motivated when stress is weighing you down? I know I need to workout, but I can't find the motivation ANYWHERE. HELP!!:frown:


  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Keep in mind that exercise is a stress reliever. Taebo or kickboxing is good for stopping those worries in the ground. You can run or fast walk those worries in the dust or at least have a clear mind to deal with them.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    This is a tough question to answer since the motivation has to come from within instead from outside. A real mind game!

    The only thing I can suggest is what I do and that's getting on the exercise machine (bike, elliptical, etc.) and just going through the motions at a much slower pace than normal and I try to go for the full work out period. I'm not always successful during these times but I have found, more often than not, that I'm able to end up part of the time working at my full speed and getting back into the groove.

    Good luck. I know what you're experiencing.
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    I find exercise helps with stress especially boxercise as you can take it out on the person you would like to hit!:laugh:

    I feel much more relaxed after a workout and able to deal with more.
  • Melissa_123
    I agree that stress can be best relieved through exercise. When I really don't feel like it I just go and after 5-10 minutes not only do I feel better, I want to stay longer than usual. I love the time alone, hitting it hard when my life is crazy. And trust me, my life is crazy. I used to feel guilty when I would squeeze time for the gym, but now I see it as necessary. If I cannot workout, my stress level is too much to handle. Try to see if your mood is elevated during and after a workout compared to nonworkout days....that is a motivator.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I make exercise a part of my day, just like brushing my teeth and showering. It's not an option it just needs to be done. (And I still don't like it-but I'm always glad I did it when I'm done.) I hope this helps you. :flowerforyou: