Advice from gym trainer



  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    After reading the info on here over the last few days, I thought I would bring it up with one of the trainers at the gym tonight. She informed me that I should not be eating anymore then 1200 calories per day all up, even after exercise. When I said that I would struggle on that, she said to start at 1500 and gradually decrease....interesting.

    Next stop is to have a chat with one of the dieticians at work to get her thoughts.

    The whole BMR etc calculations make a lot of sense to me. It seems like the logical way to do sustainable weightloss. However, I do find it interesting as to what the "professionals" say. Said trainer is all of 4'5" and probably only 90lbs (if that). She could probably survive on the smell of an oily rag!

    Thanks for the link. She sounds like she knows what she's talking about. However when I ate my exercise calories back I started gaining weight, so maybe my body is already used to the lower calories like she suggests. That doesn't make sense to me though, because I do 2 cheat days a week to reset my metabolism. Oh well. I guess I will just stick to my 1700/day maintenance since it works for me.

    Here's someone else who asked their trainer
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I can say this, I am 5'6'' and 118lb and my maintenance is around 1700/day, which most maintenance calculators take into account 1 hour of exercise a day, so if you did the standard weight loss reduction of 500 calories, that would be, hey, 1200/day!! So for you at 5'3'', you could maybe safely go down to even 1000/day, but idk your maintenance. This had always worked for me and continues to (I was being bad and gained 10lb last month, and went from 1700, back to 1200, and have lost 5lb in 2 weeks)! I do not eat back exercise calories, as they are already accounted for in my maintenance. Everyone is different though, and if you train heavier than 1 hour a day, you should add some to compensate so you aren't starving yourself. However, ME eating 1200/day is NOT starving me. =) Hope that helps ya.

    Your maintenance is only 1700 - wow thats low. I am heavier (so my maintenance would be higher) but a lot older (so my maintenance should be lower) but the same height and without exercise, my maintenance is about 2100. Workouts increase that by a lot.

    My point here, is that you cannot really say that 1000 is OK for someone else just because the math works from your stats (and ignoring the problem of getting appropriate macro and micronutrients at that level as well as the sustainability of it).

    OP: to echo what others have said - trainers have no nutritional training and often give out terrible advice (not all but some). Talk to a Registered Dietician before cutting calories.

    It seems low to me now too cause when I weighed 165or even 130 it was much higher, but that is what happens when you get thinner (unfortunately ;) ) your body doesn't need as many calories to keep going. According to the BMR tool on MFP my BMR is only 1317! Yikes, I'd be starving if I ate that, even without any exercise or activity. I have experimented with my maintenance though and 1700 seems to be the right number for me to neither gain or lose weight, so I know it's correct.

    And you are right, I have no idea what's healthy for her, because for one, I am not a nutritionist, and also, I don't know her body, which is why I said "you could maybe safely go down to even 1000/day, but idk your maintenance" She would have to be thin already to go to that lower calorie amount. I also couldn't recommend proper macros for her because everyone's body reacts differently to food. I am a protein type, and do not feel full or energized for long from carbs, whereas some people are the opposite.

    And I agree 100% that you should only listen to a nutritionist, and your body!! :)

    The anticipated difference in someone's BMR at a 40lb difference in weight is only about 150 calories (which is less than the impact of a 20+ year age difference).

    My BMR is 200 more than yours and I lose weight at 1900 calories at a rate of 1lb a week.

    My point is - it is individual (not arguing with you on that as you did say that in your post also).
  • rando348
    rando348 Posts: 22
    Hate to be a link-dumper, but here is it again:

    This link is legit. I put in my numbers and it was within 50 calories. I've had my resting metabolic rate tested at a lab and here's what it found

    Age 33
    Weight 195
    Resting metabolic rate was 1900 calories. My body fat is about 16-17%

    Some of you that are complaining about 1200 calories or 1500 calories not being enough and your scared of being hungry etc. If you are eating clean foods like veggies, lean meats, etc you can be fairly satisfied at 1500 calories. Veggies are filling and very low in calories. A decent sized boneless skinless chicken breast is only 150 calories. A platefully of brocolli is like 50 calories. Those 2 together would be a very filling meal at 200 calories, lots of protein, and fiber.

    If you are eating lots of calorie dense foods with lots of sugar and refinded carbs you will not be full. You'll hit 1500 calories and still be starving.

    Remember if you are trying to lose weight it might be uncomfortable sometimes. Suck it up. Eat clean foods. Drink lots of water and you'll be full enough. Good luck.