Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard - Reviews



  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member

    I've hit a plateau in my weight loss and am now looking for advice on a protein and/or a meal replacement shake to help me shed the a few more lbs. A friend has recommended I try Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard™ Vanilla Ice Cream, but I'm not sure this is what I need. I'm just looking to shed about 5-8 lbs. (if I can get away with more that would be great too!). I am at a healthy weight, but I'd like to trim up just a little more before heading out to the beach. My biggest problem is my mid-section. I work out about 3-4 times a week for 45min-1hr (5 times on a good week). Some days I do cardio, others I’ll do a boot camp, insanity type class. Any suggestions on good meal replacement shakes or protein shakes that could help me would be appreciated!

    Age: 24 Height: 5’2-5’3 Weight: 128

    I would also like the exact same advice! So bump bump bump for any answers please!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member

    I've hit a plateau in my weight loss and am now looking for advice on a protein and/or a meal replacement shake to help me shed the a few more lbs. A friend has recommended I try Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard™ Vanilla Ice Cream, but I'm not sure this is what I need. I'm just looking to shed about 5-8 lbs. (if I can get away with more that would be great too!). I am at a healthy weight, but I'd like to trim up just a little more before heading out to the beach. My biggest problem is my mid-section. I work out about 3-4 times a week for 45min-1hr (5 times on a good week). Some days I do cardio, others I’ll do a boot camp, insanity type class. Any suggestions on good meal replacement shakes or protein shakes that could help me would be appreciated!

    Age: 24 Height: 5’2-5’3 Weight: 128

    ON Gold Standard is pure whey which is not ideal for meal replacement purposes. Meal replacements will have a blend of faster and slower digesting proteins as well as some added fats and carbohydrates. Pure whey is pretty much strictly for post workout supplementation.

    Honestly I think you would get closer to what you want without a meal replacement shake and with whole foods instead. Just remember, fruits, veggies, fish, and chicken breast. Timing of when you eat what is important as well. Limit your higher carbohydrate meals to either breakfast, or right around the time of your workout. The body is very receptive to what fast absorbing carbohydrates (sugars, fruits, starches, grains) have to offer when you first wake up in the morning as well as right before or right after a workout. All other times though you should be focusing more on vegetables than other carbohydrate sources.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    1. Does in easily mix without a blender ball cup? I hate to pull my blender out every time and would hope just stirring or shaking would blend with protein powder with my liquid just fine, without using anything extra.
    Based on my experience, no- it seems to blend best either in the blender ball or in an acutal blender.
    2. I am eating more protein and less carbs, because I just feel better when I do. I usually eat eggs, cottage cheese, Fage Greek yogurt, meats, almonds, nuts, peanut butter and string cheese as my primary source of protein. I do like to have something else for variety once and awhile. I also keep a protein bar in my purse at all times for emergencies. I don't care for fast food, except for Chick Fil A.
    That's a step in the right direction, although keep in mind that foods like nuts, peanut butter, and cheese also have a lot of fats, although in the case of nuts, they're the healthy, essential unsaturated kind. However, those foods are also not very calorie dense, meaning that a relatively small serving is higher in calories than the same size serving of carbs or protein.
    3. I know this is an individual type question, but does this powder cause anyone bloating or any other stomach isssues?
    I've never had any issues taking ON Whey over the years.
    4. The only other protein type drink I have ever had was the Atkins RTD shake in Dark Chocolate (I think it was). That was a one time deal. Yesterday, I just bought a 4 pack of RTD Pure Protein shakes to have if I need something quick that is portable and ready. I haven't tried it yet.
    Keep in mind that ON is protein only and not a meal replacement- there are no carbs, etc. in it, so it's intended to be taken with other macronutrients.
    5. I have been reading about different protein powders- Designer Whey, Body Fortress and I am not really sure if more expensive is always better? I feel like with the ON Gold Standard, Designer Whey and Body Fortress, I am looking at a Gold, Silver and Bronze type powders. I may be wrong about that.
    Expensive is NOT necessarily better, although the taste can vary from brand to brand and even flavor to flavor. In my experience, I've found that ON has the best balance of taste/price/and aminos of any other brand on the market.
  • raitch
    raitch Posts: 62 Member
    We've been using ON for over a year. I buy it in the 5 pound tubs from amazon or Netrition. We've had the Double Rich Chocolate (always have this one on hand). French Vanilla, Vanilla Ice Cream, and the Banana Cream. I have to say that we've liked all of them. We do usually make it in a blender with milk and ice. I use it as a meal replacement, DH uses it after a workout and often adds fruit.

    I had it today in an iced coffee in a Zyliss shaker (no blending) and as long as you really shake it well, you'll be just fine. Stirring... I can't imagine that would go well.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Optimum Nutrition protein is beyond overpriced, protein is protein, you will see the same results getting a cheap tub of protein like Body Fortress at Walmart as you will from something overpriced by the major supplement companies like ON Gold Standard Whey, BSN Syntha-6 and so on.

    My advice, buy the cheap stuff; there is no Gold, Silver, and Bronze tier category for protein or any of supplement and if you believe so then you've fallen into the major corporation trap. For a $15 tub of protein from Body Fortress you can by 3 of those and have 3x the amount of protein that you would get from a tub of Optimum Nutrition protein at the same price.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Optimum Nutrition protein is beyond overpriced, protein is protein, you will see the same results getting a cheap tub of protein like Body Fortress at Walmart as you will from something overpriced by the major supplement companies like ON Gold Standard Whey, BSN Syntha-6 and so on.

    My advice, buy the cheap stuff; there is no Gold, Silver, and Bronze tier category for protein or any of supplement and if you believe so then you've fallen into the major corporation trap. For a $15 tub of protein from Body Fortress you can by 3 of those and have 3x the amount of protein that you would get from a tub of Optimum Nutrition protein at the same price.

    Interesting... my trainer told me to get Gold Standard, but I am open to buying whatever. How does the taste of the cheap stuff compare? He told me he likes vanilla Gold Standard whey, so I was going to try that first, but I am open to changing my initial game plan.

    Thanks :)
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I personally prefer ON, b/c it doesn't have as much sodium as a lot of the other proteins. It already has BCAA's in it and per scoop you get 24g of protein, where as with others, sometimes you need two scoops to get that amount.

    Myofusion from Gaspari is another good one, if you want to try something different. it's a bit more expensive, but it usually get good reviews.

    as for ON, i think it blends well, i only use a shaker, only blend when i'm adding fruit or egg whites, takes up too much time and energy to blend every day.

    think you'll find the chocolate, cookies and cream, or even the strawberry to be appealing. If drinking it with water, doesn't satisfy your taste buds, try it with almond milk or coconut milk. it'll add a few extra calories, but a better flavor.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I am wanting to try the ON Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein powder. I am open to different flavors, but I love dark chocolate (anything above 70%) so I am really interested in the Double Rich Chocolate flavor. I have some questions.

    1. Does in easily mix without a blender ball cup? I hate to pull my blender out every time and would hope just stirring or shaking would blend with protein powder with my liquid just fine, without using anything extra.

    2. I am eating more protein and less carbs, because I just feel better when I do. I usually eat eggs, cottage cheese, Fage Greek yogurt, meats, almonds, nuts, peanut butter and string cheese as my primary source of protein. I do like to have something else for variety once and awhile. I also keep a protein bar in my purse at all times for emergencies. I don't care for fast food, except for Chick Fil A.

    3. I know this is an individual type question, but does this powder cause anyone bloating or any other stomach isssues?

    4. The only other protein type drink I have ever had was the Atkins RTD shake in Dark Chocolate (I think it was). That was a one time deal. Yesterday, I just bought a 4 pack of RTD Pure Protein shakes to have if I need something quick that is portable and ready. I haven't tried it yet.

    5. I have been reading about different protein powders- Designer Whey, Body Fortress and I am not really sure if more expensive is always better? I feel like with the ON Gold Standard, Designer Whey and Body Fortress, I am looking at a Gold, Silver and Bronze type powders. I may be wrong about that.

    I do want something that mixes easily and taste decent. I am fully aware that I am not buying something that taste decadent, I am going for the protein, but I do want it to taste pleasant.

    Thank you in advance for any replies or suggestions.

    yeh i take this protein because i think its the cheapest one you can get with the least additives...

    1. yeh it mixes well.

    2. you will get to the point if you eat enough protein that the rest will be turned into glucose and you mine as well be eating carbohydrates

    3. not for me

    4. put the powder in a small shaker and it becomes portable.

    5. lol silver and bronze? its just gold standard whey thats the brand name... and any whey protein will do it really doesnt make a difference.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I personally prefer ON, b/c it doesn't have as much sodium as a lot of the other proteins. It already has BCAA's in it and per scoop you get 24g of protein, where as with others, sometimes you need two scoops to get that amount.

    Myofusion from Gaspari is another good one, if you want to try something different. it's a bit more expensive, but it usually get good reviews.

    as for ON, i think it blends well, i only use a shaker, only blend when i'm adding fruit or egg whites, takes up too much time and energy to blend every day.

    think you'll find the chocolate, cookies and cream, or even the strawberry to be appealing. If drinking it with water, doesn't satisfy your taste buds, try it with almond milk or coconut milk. it'll add a few extra calories, but a better flavor.

    Thanks for this info! I'm not the OP but find this very helpful!