Why can't i do this?



  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    Why am I so lazy and just fight the fight in the wrong direction????? I eat too many calories in the afternoon or evening. I see myself doing it, I am mad while doing it, and then, in the mornings, like today: I just wonder? Would I drive too fast, unbuckled, would I smoke, would I drive drunk, would I stop thinking with a healthy mind, would I steal or cheat, would I be mean to others? NO, I am a really nice person and have people's backs. I follow the rules and volunteer. I am a sweet mom and nice wife. My dogs love all the extra attention. My yard looks great, the laundry is done!

    Why can't I just lose weight by doing this? The calorie intake is too high every single day..... I stay at the stupid same weight every month.

    It is so logical, so easy to follow on paper-I follow everything else, why can't I just go one day without extra calories????

  • hcyndy
    hcyndy Posts: 51
    Don't be so harsh on yourself honey... we all have those times where we feel like we are a failure when in fact we are not... we just need to be supportive of ourselves and each other. :smile: I find that it is easier to start small and work up to the large things. You said you have a nice yard and your animals like all the attention... well there you are. You ARE doing something already! You are physically doing yard work to keep your yard nice (physical activity) animals require going outside (more physical activity) you have children (so do I) if they are still in the house with you then you more than likely spend time with them outside and play (physical activity) laundry is movement... You are doing things (even if they are small things) don't look at things like the glass is half empty but half full instead :happy: You can do anything you put your mind to with the encouragement and persistence.
    Keep a food diary and move. If you find yourself bored and eating, have a water and start an activity ( I like to crochet)
    Anyway you can do this! believe in yourself! Take small steps!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Why am I so lazy and just fight the fight in the wrong direction????? I eat too many calories in the afternoon or evening. I see myself doing it, I am mad while doing it, and then, in the mornings, like today: I just wonder? Would I drive too fast, unbuckled, would I smoke, would I drive drunk, would I stop thinking with a healthy mind, would I steal or cheat, would I be mean to others? NO, I am a really nice person and have people's backs. I follow the rules and volunteer. I am a sweet mom and nice wife. My dogs love all the extra attention. My yard looks great, the laundry is done!

    Why can't I just lose weight by doing this? The calorie intake is too high every single day..... I stay at the stupid same weight every month.

    It is so logical, so easy to follow on paper-I follow everything else, why can't I just go one day without extra calories????

    You need to do THREE things:

    1. Exercise every morning -- burn the same amount of calories that you over-ate the day before.
    2. Plan to snack. Make lsnack bags, and eat them during your 'tempted' hours. Try to stick to protein snacks.
    3. After you are done eating for the day, brush your teeth. Floss and gargle.
  • determinedsocialworker
    determinedsocialworker Posts: 108 Member
    Notice how all of those things you listed involve other people.. nice mom, great wife... but you're worth it just on your own..by being you.. for me that was the tough thing.. always wanted to please others and put myself last (and I am not even a parent..lol), and when that happens, what you want, what you need, what makes you happy..well, they don't register as quite as important.. I had to work hard on myself and my worth and value in the world and once I did that, and made MYSELF the priority..well, not everyone loved it at the start, but I'm worth it and I've lost almost 50 pounds on my own with more to go.. it's hard going, but you can do it.. if you are in need of friends, feel free to add. Just keep moving forward, that's all you can do.. take care. :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    Been there. For years.

    Finally figured it out. Get to bed by 10, up at 6.

    Eat lots of Protein. I was living on mostly Carbs. I wasn't much of a meat eater. That changed and my whole life changed. Set your goals to 40% Carbs/ 30%Protein/ 30% Fat. Fill your Protein first, then Fat, then let the Carbs fall where they will.
  • hazeleyedgirl86
    hazeleyedgirl86 Posts: 19 Member
    Eat more protein for breakfast, if you dont have time try protein shakes. There are some really yummy protein shake recipes out there. I have lost 25 lbs since May 25, 2012 from doing this. Also curbs the snacking habit too!!! You can do it. Myself my motivation is that I love myself and want the best for me and only me. I also want a happy healthy child as well which is my motivation. Really prioritze what you want and how your gonna get there. It seems daunting but support is good. You are awesome and dont beat yourself up. Feeel free to add me!!!
  • lilyemb67
    lilyemb67 Posts: 1
    Your post was like an arrow straight through my heart! I feel exactly the same way. I am pretty sure I am a food addict - I seem to think about food constantly. Always thinking about what I am going to eat next. Its terrible. I also seriously lack motivation to exercise. I just joined a few minutes ago and saw your post. I hope you are doing better. My heart goes out to you because I know how much it hurts to fail at this, but don't give up. Never give up. I also need to do something quick. I am the heaviest I have EVER been and my horrible habits are spilling over to my kids. I think this website is much easier to use than the Weight Watchers online website. Hopefully it will work. I am going to show it to my daughter when I get home and hopefully we can do this together. Hang in there and keep your chin up.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I'll tell you what I tell myself every other day when I don't feel like getting on the treadmill to work out. I say: "Doug, get off your butt and get down there and do it. The weight's not gonna come off just sitting there." Point is this thing called weight loss is HARD. It's been said that it's harder than quitting smoking. Some days I don't feel like eating just whats good for me and don't feel like trying to eat right or exercise or whatever but you have to decide for yourself that that's what you want to do for YOU. You're doing this for YOU and you want the best for yourself right? If you don't that's fine maybe its not your time and you should bookmark this web page for later and come back when you feel you're ready. I can't make you do this, your husband, child, mom who ever is close to you can't make you do this. It's YOUR choice. Don't let others force you into doing something you don't want to do or tell you what you should be eating or doing to get healthy. Shoot, the first move I made to start losing weight was reading a book about losing weight. Last I checked there aren't many calories burned in reading. I wanted to know what to do to get started and like they say: "Knowledge is Power" so I educated myself first. Granted i've learned a hell of a lot more since then but it's taken time. When it's yours. feel free to friend me and I'll do my best to support you in this. You have to do this for yourself but you're really not alone. We're here for you.
  • SaraRT1983
    SaraRT1983 Posts: 87
    I totally feel your pain!!!!!!! Hang in there....take it one bite at a time! Hang up pics of yourself on the refrigerator and/or bathroom mirror! I've been in a rut the past couple of weeks and I'm really struggling to get that right mindset back. I find myself logging onto MFP daily (sometimes HOURLY) to read everyones motivating posts on here to try craving those afternoon snack temptations. It also helps that I don't bring change to work with me otherwise I'd be hitting the vending machine. Hang in there....it's hard but know that you have the support of other MFP members!!!!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    What helps me is to plan what I'll eat the day before. Fill in my food diary for the whole day so there are no choices, and stick to what I plan. The days I have no plan is when I trip up...
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Stop thinking about it and over analyzing yourself and JUST DO IT.

    Pack your lunch/meals ahead of time and only allow yourself to eat what you planned for the day.

    Do not accept excuses like I'll just have one, or one bite won't kill me. Stick to the food you have planned ~ no excuses.

    Keep moving. The more you move, the better you will feel and then the more you will want to keep moving. It will feed itself.

    Stop saying I can't do this and talking yourself out of it before you try. Remove negative thinking.

    Many people were where you are and they did it. So can you. (and your friends at MFP are here to help)

    So...no more mad at yourself...chin up, get up and get 'er done!

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You really can do this....You just have to want it enough to get through the first couple of days.....it gets easier everyday you go along!! Find somethings that inspire you...a song pictures, or what ever!

    I love to eat junk, fast food & carb ....oh and soda! These are all the things I had to give up!! I have been clean eating since March. I really don't miss the junk now. I find something I like to eat that is healthy now. I can tell you that all the foods I do eat have so much flavor now!! I guess because it's not hidding with all the sodium.

    I very rarely eat out now, and make good choices when I do.

    Good Luck : )
  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Could it be that this is something you are doing for yourself? Does it make you feel guilty maybe as you seem so committed to the needs of others. Do you value yourself enough to be the best you can be for yourself? Just asking cos this is a lot of what I struggle with and it can make you sabotage yourself. You will reach your goal if you want it enough. If the kids say "I can't" what do you say in response? Very best of luck hun.
  • Lisascherer1
    Lisascherer1 Posts: 24 Member
    I am in the same boat also. I will say, reading through all these amazing responses was an awesome thing! Wow, the support on MFP is incredible. If your having a bad day...jump on and post and I bet you will have 1/2 a dozen people telling you that you can do it. Take it one day at a time.....like many other said, one small goal at a time.
    I know personally I can do anything I put my mind to, except loose weight. Sometimes I feel like it will never happen.....I work really hard and I gain 3 pounds. But I just keep pushing, when I have a bad eating day I start all over the next day. Just keep your head up and take it one day at a time.
  • If you can train your mind, you can train your body. Will power is half the battle! You can do it! Right now, you're eating enough to maintain your current weight. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit.

    I also struggle with extra calories sometimes, but I've found that if I really think about what food I'm craving before I eat it, I make healthier choices. So say if I'm craving chocolate (one of my favorite things in the world), but I know it will negatively affect my net calories for the day, I stop and ask myself: "Is their a better choice I can make? Will I regret this later? Will eating this help me reach my short term goals?" The answers, always - yes, yes, no. I also think about what is motivating me behind my weight loss and strength training. I play rugby, and my team has collectively decided to attempt a playoff bid this fall. When I'm really craving extra food, I ask: "Will this help me contribute to my team the way I want to?"

    I know this question stuff seems ridiculous. However, as an example, when you think about it, if you allow yourself to eat 200 extra calories a day, that is 1,400 EXTRA calories a week. A pound is equal to 3,500 calories; to lose that, you need to burn 3,500 calories a week. Think about how your extra calories are impacting this pound of weight that you want to be rid of. Sure, you might look silly staring down that extra portion you want, but when you are staring down at the scale a week later, wouldn't it be better to smile than frown? :) When your desire for results overrides your desire for extra food, it will become easier. The key is discipline and will power, which everyone struggles with. Try not to be hard on yourself to the point where you already feel defeated, but don't be lenient enough to let yourself think these extra calories won't make a difference. And always remember: you CAN do it!
  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    A tip I heard way back when... cold foods/drinks burn more calories on intake as your body has to warm it up before it digests it. Warm foods/drinks make you feel fuller faster because the warmth brings a rush of blood to the digestive system.

    A good question to consider is, are you mindlessly eating? like watching t.v. or on the computer... where you're not paying attention of what goes from your hand to your mouth or the size of the portion (and then suddenly the whole chip bag is empty)? If so, you don't have to take away completely eating in front of the whatever... but measure a true portion and put it on a plate or a bowl, and leave the package in the kitchen.

    If you're not hungry and you just want to knosh... chewing gum? keeps your mouth busy. Munch on some raw carrorts? Also, sometimes we think we are hungry when we're really just thirsty. try a glass of water before you give in to eating? and if it's strictly a night time i'm watching t.v. sorta habit thing ... try a warm/ hot cup of your favorite tea or warm apple cider etc. The warm makes you feel full, you're probably consuming less cals than what you'd eat... and you satisfy the hand to mouth habit.

    just something to consider... it's all stuff I"m putting into practice the past few weeks, and it's working for me, but maybe it won't for you. (btw these all worked really great when I quit smoking too :flowerforyou: ) -- the trick is... I've heard it takes 90 days (minimum) to break a habit and create a new one.... give yourself time... start with 1 thing at a time so you don't overwhelm yourself and give up!
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    bump to read this later :)
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    For a while I was kinda doing the same thing. I would eat healthy during the day and then when i got home or on the weekends, it was like I wasn't trying to lose weight and I would eat horrible. One day it just clicked and now I am doing much better. Weekends can still be hard for me sometimes, but i am working on that!! You can do it, don't give up!!
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Mental block.

    You have to really want it, something in your brain is holding you back.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    You can do this. *big hugs*

    Perhaps keep a food diary, no, not an online one, what are you doing when you eat? How do you feel? What's happening?

    I'm an emotional eater. When I'm upset, I eat. I know this now, so when I'm upset, I have to do something else. I prefer to go for a walk, but it's not always possible.

    Are certain tasks, places, people causing you to eat when you're not hungry? Are they avoidable? Is there something you can do to anticipate the reaction?

    Could there be a physiological reason you're eating? My husband is bad about skipping breakfast, eating a freakishly light 200 calorie lunch, and then wonders why he chows down 2,000 calories of junk when he gets home. He's starving! I think months of nagging have finally worked. He's eating breakfast now (a real breakfast) and doing better.

    I've learned that I also eat because of nutrition. If there's something missing from my diet, I'll start craving something to supplement it. Not always the best choice food to fill the gap... but it's a sign I have a gap. I still catch myself not drinking enough water and mistaking thirst for hunger.

    I can't see your settings/diary (mine is locked too!), but I didn't really start losing weight until I raised my calories and reduced how much I was trying to lose weekly. 1200 calories sucks and I'm just not doing it. lol I was so hungry all the time. :(

    Are you depriving yourself? If you want pizza or whatever your treat food is, have some, but find a way to control yourself. I get the single serving pizzas now and again as a treat. I must have pizza.

    You... can... do... this. You are worth it. And I know you want it because you're on here posting instead of somewhere else... eating something you'll regret.

    Everything is one day at a time, one meal at a time... Step by step.

    You can do this. :wink: